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1. Model: Vision 0301
2. Classication: Internally powered, type B
3. Dimensions: 135mm x 97mm x 49mm
4. Cu circumference:
M Medium: 22-30 cm and L Large: 30-42cm. (Optional S Small: 17 -22 cm
XL Extra large: 42-48cm)
5. Weight: Approv 223g (excluding batteries)
6. Measuring method: Oscillometric method, automatic air ination and measurement
7. Power source: 6V , 1.5V AA × 4 batteries
8. Cu pressure range: 0-300mmHg
9. Measuring accuracy: ±3mmHg
10. Heart pulse rate range: 40-180times/min
11. Battery life: Approx. 6 months with 3-min. use per day.
12. Environmental temperature for using: 5°C~40°C
13. Environmental humidity for using: ≤90%
14. Environmental temperature for storage: -20°C ~ 55°C
15. Environmental humidity for storage: ≤95%
16. Environmental pressure: atmospheric pressure
Important information
All physical activity, excitement, stress, eating, drinking, smoking and many other activities are factors
(including taking a blood pressure measurement) which can inuence your blood pressure value. Because
of this, it is not common to get identical multiple blood pressure readings.
Blood pressure uctuates continually, day and night. The highest value is usually during the day and
lowest one usually at midnight. Normally the value begins to increase at around 3:00am and reaches the
highest level in the daytime while most people are awake and active.
Considering the above information, it is recommended that you measure your blood pressure at
approximately the same time each day.
Please always relax for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes between measurements to allow the blood circulation
in your arm to recover. It is rare that you obtain identical blood pressure readings every time.
PLEASE NOTE! Some advice
1. Remain calm and preferably rest for 5 minutes before blood pressure measurement.
2. The cu should be placed on the upper arm at the same level as your heart.
3. During measurement, do not speak or move your body and arm.
4. Measure the same arm for each measurement.
5. Relax a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes between measurements to allow the blood circulation in your arm
to recover. Prolonged over ination of the cu may cause a slight swelling (ecchymoma) of your arm.
6. Remove the batteries if the monitor is not be used for a month or more to avoid damage by battery
7. This blood pressure monitor is designed for adults and should never be used on infants or young
children. Consult your physician or other health care professionals before use on older children.
8. Blood pressure measurements determined by this monitor are equivalent to those obtained by a
trained observer using the cu/stethoscope auscultation method. These are within the
limits prescribed by the American National Standard, Electronic or automated sphygmomanometers.
9. Please avoid strong magnetic interference such as that from mobile telephones, microwave ovens, etc.
10. Please do not use the cus other than those supplied by the manufacturer which might cause
a biocompatible hazard and might result in measurement error.
11. Make sure to store and use the monitor within the temperature and humidity ranges specied. The
monitor may not meet its performance specications if stored or used outside the specied
temperature and humidity ranges in specications.
12. To avoid cross-infection, please do not share the cu with persons suering from infectious diseases.

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