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Insert the 12 volt plug of the automobile adapter
cable into the automobile’s cigarette lighter socket
and insert the other end of the cable into the
charging jack of the energy station marked (7).
6. Outputs
Output 12 V cigarette lighter socket. max 10 A.
The 12 V output (Figure 1 / Item 4) can be
loaded with max. 10 A, i.e. you have max. 10 A
at your disposal.
Check the power and power consumption values
of the consumer to ensure that you do not
overload the energy station. If you only know the
power data of the consumer you can calculate
the max. current very easily.
Consumer: 12 V / 50 W
The current consumption is 50 W / 12 V
= 4.17 A
Use the supplied connecting cable to link the
12V output socket with a suitable consumer
Remove the caps to use the 12 V output and
connect the consumer.
Check that the voltage and current ratings of the
consumer units will not overload the energy
Overloading may destroy the energy station.
7. To operate the lamp
Proceed as follows to switch on the lamp:
The lamp (Figure 1 / Item 2) is switched on and off
using the switch (Figure 1 / Item 9).
8. Starting aid for motor vehicles
The charging cable with the pole clamps is
located on the side of the unit.
When the jumper cables are not in use, do not
remove them from the energy station.
Caution! Risk of short-circuiting if the pole
clamps touch each other.
Use the energy station as a source of starting aid
only when the vehicle battery is partially
discharged. The energy station is designed
provide the car battery with only a limited charge.
The energy station is not suitable for starting
a vehicle with a fully discharged battery.
The terminals are insulated to prevent accidental
short-circuiting when connecting the terminals to the
vehicle’s battery and parts. Short-circuits must be
avoided at all costs.
If the terminals are connected to the vehicle’s battery
with reverse polarity, a warning signal will sound and
the LED (8) will light up red. Do not activate the
energy station!
If the terminals are properly connected to the
vehicle’s battery, the LED (8) will light up green.
The energy station’s starting aid function provides
welcome help when a vehicle’s battery lacks
sufficient charge to start the vehicle without difficulty.
We wish to point out that even standard vehicle
models are equipped with numerous electric
modules (e.g. ABS, ASC, fuel injection pump, on-
board computer and car phone). The higher starting
voltage and voltage peaks may cause damage to
electronic components. No product liability can be
accepted for any damage resulting from the energy
station’s starting aid function. Please read the
information in the operating manuals of your vehicle,
radio, car phone, etc.
Important. Jump starting is possible only when
the energy station is charged to full capacity.
How to use the energy station to start a vehicle
1. Connect the red cable (+) of the energy station to
the POSITIVE pole (+) of the vehicle battery.
2. Connect the black cable (-) of the energy station
to the vehicle’s earthing strip or any other bare
point on the engine block (earth). Choose a point
as far away as possible from the battery in order
to prevent ignition of any explosive electrolytic
gas which may develop. The green LED (8)
comes on.
3. The switch (Figure 1 / Item 10) must be set to
„ON“ position.
4. Turn the ignition key over to start position and
wait approx. 5 minutes.
5. With the energy station connected, you can now
try to start the engine. Do not attempt to start the
vehicle for longer than 3 seconds because of the
very high current involved.
6. First disconnect the pole clamp from the
vehicle’s earthing strip (negative pole).
7. Then disconnect the jumper cable from the
POSITIVE pole (+) of the vehicle battery.
8. The energy station will need to be recharged
after giving this starting aid.
Anleitung_BT_PS_700_SPK1:_ 23.02.2009 9:31 Uhr Seite 12

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