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Environmental protection
Please remember that packaging, old batteries and
defective storage batteries do not belong in your
household refuse. Dispose of these items through
the proper channels.
2. Layout (Fig. 1/2)
1 Charging cable, red (+)
2 Lamp (3 LEDs)
3 Charging cable, black (-)
4 Cigarette lighter socket 12V/10A
5 Pushbutton for “Battery check”
6 LED “Battery check”
7 Battery charging jack
8 LED “Jump starting”
9 Switch for work light
10 Switch for charging cable
11 Air hose with valve adaptor for motor vehicles
12 Switch for compressor
13 Pressure gauge for compressor
14 Battery charger
15 Motor vehicle adaptor cable
3. Proper use
The equipment is suitable for the jump starting of 12 V
starter batteries (lead acid batteries) with too little
battery capacity and for the direct or indirect
connection of 12 V consumers with max. 10A power
consumption to the cigarette lighter socket. Be sure to
observe the operating instructions of the equipment
which you connect to the energy station. With the
integrated 12 V car compressor you can inflate car,
motorcycle and bicycle tires as well as sports balls,
small water balls, small air mattresses and other
similar items.
The machine is to be used only for its prescribed
purpose. Any other use is deemed to be a case of
misuse. The user / operator and not the
manufacturer will be liable for any damage or injuries
of any kind caused as a result of this.
Please note that our equipment has not been
designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial
applications. Our warranty will be voided if the
machine is used in commercial, trade or industrial
businesses or for equivalent purposes.
4. Technical data
Storage battery: 12 V / 7 Ah
Output voltages / 12 V / 10 A via 1 cigarette
max. current consumption: lighter socket
Mains voltage: 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Output from power supply unit:
Nominal voltage: 15 V
Nominal current: 500 mA
Nominal power: 7,5 VA
Lamp 3 LED
Compressor 12 V/18 bar
5. Charging the energy station (Fig. 3)
(Caution! (Important! Turn the ON/OFF knob (Fig.
1/Item 10) to the “OFF” position.)
Note: Pressing the red pushbutton (5) displays the
charge state of the built-in battery (green = 50 –
100% full / red = 0 – 50% full)
5.1 Charging the energy station with the power
supply unit
1. Connect the power cable of the included power
supply unit to the battery charging jack (7). The
LED (6) flashes for a moment.
2. Plug the power supply unit into a 230V/50Hz
socket outlet. Depending on the charge state of
the battery, the LED (6) will light up red (0 - 50%
full) or green (50 - 100% full). The charging
voltage switches off automatically after
completion of the charging process.
Overcharging of the battery is ruled out. The
green LED (6) will come on.
5.2 Charging the energy station with the
automobile adapter cable
The energy station can be charged through the
automobile’s cigarette lighter socket.
IMPORTANT: The energy station battery has a
12 volt charge capacity. You should only charge the
energy station when en route, as otherwise the unit
will run down the vehicle’s battery.
Never start the vehicle as long as the automobile
adapter cable is connected to the cigarette lighter
Anleitung_BT_PS_700_SPK1:_ 23.02.2009 9:31 Uhr Seite 11

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