Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. Layout:
1: Torque adjustment facility
2: Bit holder
3: Forward / Reverse selector switch
4: On/Off switch
5: Battery pack
6: Battery charger
7: Selector switch for 1st/2nd gear
8: Pushlock button
9: Selecting drill or hammer mode
2. Safety information
Please refer to the booklet included in delivery for
the safety instructions.
3. Important information
Be sure to read the following information before you
use your cordless screwdriver for the first time:
1. Charge the battery pack with the charger
supplied. An empty battery pack requires a
charging period of approximately 1 hour.
2. Only ever use sharp drill bits and screwdriver bits
which are suitable for the purpose and in faultless
3. Always check for concealed electric cables and
gas and water pipes when drilling and screwing in
4. Starting up
Charging the NC battery pack
1. Take the rechargeable battery pack out of the
handle, pressing the pushlock buttons at the side
to do so.
2. Check that your mains voltage is the same as that
marked on the rating plate of the battery charger.
Plug the battery charger in the socket.
3. Insert the battery pack in the battery charger. The
green LED will come on. Press the SET button to
charge the battery pack. The red LED will come
on to indicate that the battery pack is being
charged. The green LED will come on to indicate
that charging has been completed. Empty battery
packs will require approx. 1 hour for charging. The
temperature of the battery pack may rise slightly
during the charging operation. This is normal.
If the battery pack fails to become charged, please
whether there is voltage at the socket-outlet
whether there is proper contact at the charging
contacts on the charger.
If the battery still fails to become charged, please
the charger
the battery pack
to our Customer Service Department.
Timely recharging of the Ni-Cd battery pack is
recommended in the interest of long battery life.
Recharging is always necessary when you notice
that the power of the battery-powered
drill/screwdriver is decreasing.
Never allow the battery pack to discharge
completely. This will result in damage to the Ni-Cd
battery pack!
Adjusting the torque (1)
The battery-powered drill/screwdriver is equipped
with a 16-step mechanical torque adjustment facility.
The torque for a specific size of screw is selected
with the set-collar (1). The correct torque depends
on several factors:
on the type and hardness of material in question
on the type and length screws used
on the requirements needing to be met by the
screwed joint.
The clutch disengages with a grating sound to
indicate when the set torque is reached.
Important! The tool must be at a standstill when
you set the torque with the setting ring.
For drilling purposes, move the set-collar to the last
step „Drill“ (Figure 1). In this setting the slip clutch is
inactive. The maximum torque is available in drilling
Selecting drill or hammer mode (9)
For normal drilling, turn the front set-collar to the
„drill“ symbol. For drilling with hammer action, turn
the front set-collar to the „hammer“ symbol and the
set-collar for torque adjustment to the „drill“ symbol.
Forward/Reverse switch (3)
With the slide switch above the On/Off switch you
can select the direction of rotation of the battery-
powered drill/screwdriver and secure it against being
switched on accidentally. You can choose between
clockwise and anticlockwise rotation. To avoid
causing damage to the gearing it is advisable to
Anleitung BAS 24S-2A SPK 1 21.09.2005 15:37 Uhr Seite 6

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