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components of your Plugtronic system. Before
you contact a workshop, check whether a fuse
or the GFCI (ground failure circuit interrupter)
has tripped and the current to the connection
cable has been interrupted. In this case, change
the fuse or the switch and retest the function. If
the fuse or the GFCI trips again, troubleshooting
is necessary on the vehicle. Go to a workshop
to for this. The individual components of the
Plugtronic system are not suitable for disman-
tling, repair or modification. Faulty products
must be replaced.
1.5 Recycling
None of the components of the Plugtronic
series belong in the household waste.
Engine heaters can be dismantled into their
compnents and disposed of in an environ-
mentally friendly way.
Electric motors (water pumps), control
boxes and sensors (e.g. temperature
sensors) are classified as “electrical and
electronic scrap”.
Compartment heaters and battery chargers
must also be sorted as electrical scrap.
1.6 Intended use
Plugtronic heaters are not designed for
continuous operation. The maximum operat-
ing period is 3hours per use. We recommend
use of a timer. The water pump of the engine
heater uses electricity. Power consumption
is very low, but if used for a lengthy period
without charging or without the vehicle being
driven, it can discharge the battery.
The connection cable of the Plugtronic
systems may only be connected to an earthed
230V/10A socket.
Plugtronic products are ready for use as soon
as they are supplied from a power source.
This means, as soon as the connection cable
is connected to the vehicle and then to a live
wall socket.
Eberspächer recommends use of an earthed
timer between the connection cable of the
vehicle and the 230 V wall socket. In this way
you prevent exceeding of the 3 hour continu-
ous operation.
1.7 Important information
If an extension cable is used between the
vehicle connector and the wall socket or
timer, the dimension of the cable must be in
accordance to length and load. If the cable is
too thin, it can overheat and cause a fire.
Plugtronic products may be used by children
from the age of 8 and persons with limited
physical, sensory or mental capabilities or a
lack of experience or a lack of knowledge,
provided they are supervised during operation
or have been instructed in safe use of the
products and understand the potential risks.
Children must be supervised and/or instructed
and may not play with Plugtronic products.
The compartment heater must never be cov-
ered and the air supply must be ensured.
Before use, the connection cable and con-
nectors must be checked and replaced with
new ones if there is the slightest indication of
System description | Plugtronic 230 V
4 29.2400.30.0009.0A EN | 01.2018

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