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1 Introduction
1.1 Picture symbols
This information points out a potential serious or
fatal danger. Ignoring this information can result
in severe injuries.
Î indicates the appropriate precaution to take
to avert the danger.
This information points out a dangerous situ-
ation for a person and / or the product. Failure
to comply with this information can result in
personal injuries and / or damage to the unit.
Î indicates the appropriate precaution to take
to avert the danger.
This note contains recommendations for use
and useful tips for the operation, installation and
repair of the unit.
1.2 Before starting
Read through these operating instructions in
full before activating the Plugtronic system for
the first time. The operating instructions contain
important information, for full and safe use of
your product. If you are unclear about anything,
please do not hesitate to contact our contractual
partner or us at Eberspächer directly. Please
keep these operating instructions in a safe place
for subsequent reference. Separate instructions
for the compartment heater and the battery
charger are enclosed with the operating instruc-
tions. The instructions, the complete technical
description and the installation instructions can
be downloaded from the Eberspächer Partner
Portal and from www.eberspaecher.com.
1.3 Description of the Plugtronic
Plugtronic is a modular system, which prepares
your vehicle for departure using 230 V voltage.
Thanks to the engine heater, the engine of
your vehicle is preheated so that a cold start is
avoided. This is good for the engine as well as
for the environment, and you will experience
that warm air flows into the vehicle right after
departure. With the Plugtronic Premium system
the engine heater can even be used to de-ice
the windows and to heat the inside of the vehi-
cle via the climate system.
The compartment heater de-ices the windows of
the vehicle and provides comfortable heat.
The battery charger extends the life of each bat-
tery and ensures an easy start in any weather
conditions. The cable system safely supplies
all named products with electricity. The plug
for connection to the vehicle is shaped so that
it can also be gripped with gloves and can be
operated with one hand.
1.4 Service / Maintenance
The Plugtronic system is maintenance free, as
long as you ensure that all parts are complete
and clean before use. If you nonetheless find a
problem, contact an authorised workshop, which
can repair the fault or correct it by replacing
System description | Plugtronic 230 V
29.2400.30.0009.0A EN | 01.2018 3

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