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Safety instructions concerning the
installation and repair of the AIRTRONIC
Danger of burns and injury!
Before commencing any work on the
disconnect the vehicle battery.
may only be started up if the top
shell and the exhaust hood have been mounted in
accordance with the regulations and if the air duct
on the suction side has been carried out in
accordance with the regulations.
During operation, the top shell may not be opened
and hot parts not be touched.
Statutory regulations concerning
the installation of the AIRTRONIC
For installation in motor vehicles subject to the
Regulations authorizing the Use of Vehicles for
Road Traffic (StVZO), the air heater has been
approved by the German Federal Office for Motor
Traffic in keeping with the General Design
Certification (AGB) and the official test symbol is
marked on the type plate of the heater.
D2 S 318
D4 / D4S S 323
The mounting requirements associated with the
General Design Certification (AGB) and further
statutory regulations have been printed in the
corresponding sections of these mounting
When the air heater is installed in special vehicles,
the regulations governing such vehicles must be
taken into account (e.g. GGVS / TRS 003 / ADR /
ADR 99 for vehicles used to transport dangerous
The year in which the air heater was operated for
the first time must be permanently recorded on the
type plate. To this end, 3 different years have been
printed on the corresponding field of the type
plate. The valid year is to be identified by removing
(detaching) those two years which are not applicable.
Subsequent installation of the heater must be
carried out in conformity with these mounting
instructions and must be examined and certified in
writing by an officially approved vehicle specialist
or inspector or employee (Number 4 of Annex VIII b
to the StVZO) in conformity with § 19 Section
3 StVZO. The effectiveness of the design
certification (ABG) for the heater is dependent
on this.
At the discretion of the vehicle owner, the
certificate can be issued as follows:
As separate Certificate of Approval which must
always be kept in the vehicle. A blank form for
this Certificate of Approval is attached at the
end of the operating instructions for the
heater. Neutral certificates of approval available
to the motor vehicle specialist are also permissible.
In both cases, the vehicle manufacturer, vehicle
model and vehicle identification number must be
As entry in the vehicle registration document
(assessing authority) and in the vehicle
identification card (licencing authority.)
For vehicles not subject to the StVZO (e.g. ships),
it is necessary to observe the specific regulations
and mounting instructions applicable to the given
vehicle; these may difffer regionally.
The heater may only be installed or repaired - in
case of the heater being handed in for repair or
guarantee reasons - by a specialist workshop
approved by the manufacturer (service partner) in
keeping with these mounting instructions and
possible special installation recom-mendations.
The information sticker ‘Switch off heater before
refuelling’ suppplied with the heater must be
attached in a suitable position on the vehicle
(close to the fuel filler neck).
Important instructions for
the installation and repair
When mounting or repairing the heater, only original
accessories and original spare parts may be used.
Changes to the
or to components rele-
vant to the heating, the use of outside parts not
approved by Eberspächer as well as an installation
or operation differing from the statutory, safety and /
or function relevant specifications contained in the
mounting instructions and in the operating
instructions are not permissible: this applies in
particular to the electric wiring (circuit diagrams),
the fuel supply, the combustion air and exhaust
gas duct.
Only the control elements provided and / or
approved by us, either on their own or in a given
combination, may be used to operate the
. The use of other control elements
may lead to malfunctions of the heater / heating
Non-compliance with the statutory, safety and / or
function relevant specifications leads to the lapse
of the General Design Certification (ABG) of the
and to the exclusion of guarantee and
liability on the part of the company J. Eberspächer
GmbH & Co.
Please note!
Further Safety instructions concerning the
installation and repair of the
as well as
Important instructions concerning the installation
have been printed directly in the corresponding
sections of these mounting instructions.
In conformity with StVZO, the heat exchanger must
be replaced by an original replacement heat
exchanger by the manufacturer or an authorised
service partner 10 years after the heater was used
for the first time. The vehicle owner / operator of
the heater is responsible for this exchange to be
carried out. A plate with the installation date of the
replacement heat exchanger and the word original
spare part must be mounted on the heater (the
plate is supplied with the replacement heat
exchanger - the date needs to be entered).
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