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The Dremel Trio Tool is intended for cutting wood, plastic, thin
sheet metal, drywall, fiberboard, and wall tile using the applicable
tools and accessories recommended by Dremel.
This tool also sands using a variety of sanding drums and routes
using 4.8mm shank router bits. Make certain that the collet nut is
securely tightened before turning the tool on.
Your tool features a 2 position articulating head. To adjust,
depress articulation button and move head to desired position
(Fig. 2 or 3).
The articulation position is recommended for standard operations
on a flat surface while in the 90° position (Fig. 2).
Make sure articulation button clicks
back out to lock the handle before
turning the tool on.
Make sure the pivoting handle is
securely locked in the desired position.
Operation when not secured properly may result in
unexpected movement of the pivoting handle and could
cause injury.
Clamp the work piece in case it does
not remain stationary from its own
Your tool is equipped with a dust port (G) for dust extraction. To
use this feature, insert dust port adapter (H) into dust port, attach
vacuum cleaner into the adapter (Fig. 4).
Loosen the depth adjustment thumb screw (F) (counter-clockwise)
to change the depth of cut. Slide the base plate to the desired
depth of cut (about 3.2mm greater than material thickness when
cutting completely through something) and re-tighten the thumb
screw (clockwise) (Fig. 5).
The maximum recommended depth of cut is 13mm of wood.
When using sanding drums and router bits it is recommended to
make less aggressive more frequent passes through the material
to extend the tool and accessory life.
To turn tool “ON”, squeeze the trigger switch. To turn the tool
“OFF”, release the trigger switch which is spring loaded and will
return to “OFF” position automatically (Fig. 6).
The "Lock-ON" button, located in the handle of your tool allows
for continuous operation without holding the trigger (Fig. 6).
TO LOCK TRIGGER "ON": squeeze trigger, depress "Lock-ON"
button and release trigger.
TO UNLOCK THE TRIGGER: squeeze trigger and release it
without depressing the "Lock-ON" button.
Your tool is equipped with over current protection that will slow
the motor automatically when overstressed. When this occurs you
should reduce cutting pressure, rate of cut. The tool will increase
speed again for maximum cutting performance.
Your tool is equipped with a variable speed dial. The speed may
be adjusted during operation by presetting the dial on or between
any one of the settings (Fig. 7).
1. Depress and hold the shaft-lock button (L) in and rotate the
collet nut (K) and shaft until the shaft-lock engages and holds
the shaft.
2. Use the standard equipment wrench (N) to loosen nut
3. Remove the old bit insert the new bit as far in as possible.
4. Re-engage the shaft-lock and tighten the nut (clockwise) by
hand and then with the wrench until bit is held securely.
NOTE: Be sure to read the instructions supplied with your Dremel
accessory for further information on its use.
NOTE: Use only Dremel TRIO, ø4.8 mm shank accessories (Fig 9).
* Speed for light cuts; Caution - burning on deep grooves.
* Depending on cutting direction relative to grain.
For maximum control use a slow feed rate of cut.
For maximum control place a second hand on the front of the
tool or on the rear of the foot.
For straightest possible cut use straight edge guide or fence.
When using a fence, position it on the left side of the foot.
When using a straight edge guide, position it on the right
side of tool.
When cutting most materials steer the tool in a clock-wise
direction. Exception: when tracing an outlet steer counter
clock-wise, an exception to this rule is when cutting around
an outlet box.
Switch Setting Speed Range
2 10000-12000 RPM
4 12000-14000 RPM
6 14000-16000 RPM
8 16000-18000 RPM
10 18000-20000 RPM
Keep in mind that router bit turns clockwise
Guide tool so that bit turns into the work piece, not away
from it.

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