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Last dialled phone numbers can easily be dialled again.
1. Repeatedly press r to scroll through the dialled numbers.
2. Lift the handset to dial the number,
or lift the handset and then press r to dial the most recently dialled number.
Handsfree dialling
1. Press , handsfree function is activated.
2. Enter desired phone number.
3. Press to terminate the call.
If you wish, you can switch between handset and handsfree mode by simply pressing or
lifting the handset. Please remember that in handsfree mode it is only possible for one person
at a time to talk. The switch-over between speaker and microphone is automatic. It is therefore
essential that there are no loud noises, e.g. music, in the immediate vicinity of the phone,
as this will disrupt the handsfree function.
Service access dialling
Shortcut keys to operator service access numbers.
1. Press and hold
until the service access number is displayed.
2. Press 0 or lift the handset to dial the number.
Press and hold z to disconnect the handset's microphone, release z to resume the
Volume control
The handset volume may be adjusted during a call with .
To adjust the speaker volume (handsfree), use the volume control located on the side of
the phone.
Extra amplication (boost)
Press the button to activate amplication. The amplication is deactivated at the end
of each call to avoid harming people with normal hearing.
The handset/headset volume can be turned up very loud. The amplication should only be
used by people with impaired hearing ability.
Connecting a headset
You can connect a headset to the socket =. When a headset is connected the speaker key
is used to connect/disconnect a telephone call (equivalent to lifting handset and to hang up).
The volume in the headset can be adjusted during a call using v/V.
A neck loop/extra handset can be connected to this socket instead of a headset. DORO
original headsets are tested and adapted for this model. Other types and makes of headsets

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Andere handleiding(en) van Doro Comfort 3000

Doro Comfort 3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Doro Comfort 3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Doro Comfort 3000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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