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PROGRAM 8: Dough:
select this program if you just want the breadmaker to make
select this program if you just want the breadmaker to make
dough and let it rise.
for the confection of delicious jam. Caution! Make sure you
have stoned all ingredients before putting them into the bread pan. Sharp pips and
stones could damage the non-stick coating of your breadmaker.
How to proceed:
Put all ingredients into the bread pan and select the program “Jam”.
Press start. The appliance will now preheat the ingredients. Next, the breadmaker will
mix all ingredients and let the jam cool down. When the process is fully completed,
you will hear a bleeping signal. If you wish, you can pour the jam into a jar and allow
it to cool down some more. When the jam has suffi ciently cooled down, close the jar
and keep it refrigerated.
PROGRAM 10: Cake:
This program allows you to make bread that is confected
with e.g. baking powder. With this type of baking program, your loaf of bread will be
less high and more solid. You can not use the time delay function with this program,
because the baking powder starts working immediately. If you use this program to
bake a cake, we recommend that you put the ingredients in the bread pan, program the
breadmaker and briefl y stir the ingredients with a wooden spoon before pressing the
“start” button.
PROGRAM 11: sandwich:
select this program to make a very light white dough
suitable for e.g. little bread rolls. This program does not allow you to select the degree
of colour for your crust, as it is programmed automatically.
PROGRAM 12: Bake:
for ready-made dough which you perhaps had already made
in advance. This program can only be used for the fi nal stage of the baking process.
Program 12 also allows you to reheat bread that you had already baked.
Step 1:
take the bread pan out of the breadmaker, by turning it a quarter of a turn to
the right. You can lift the bread pan out, straight up, by pulling the handle.
Step 2:
Place the kneading paddle on the axle in the centre of the bread pan. Please
position the kneading paddle carefully and appropriately, so all ingredients can be
suffi ciently mixed and kneaded.
Step 3:
When putting the ingredients into the bread pan, please do so in the following
manner and order:
1. Half of the required fl our.
2. Water / milk
3. Butter / oil
4. Eggs (optional)
5. The rest of the fl our.
6. Sugar (put the sugar on one side)
7. Salt (salt on the opposite side)
8. Yeast (concentrate the yeast in a little hole in the middle)
Make sure the yeast is kept away from the water, for the water might activate the yeast
all ingredients have been properly blended and kneaded.

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