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says you need 210 ml of water, you could replace this quantity by 210 ml of milk or,
equally, by 105 ml of water and 105 ml of milk. The total quantity of liquid has to be
1. S
ometimes the crust has a light colour, sometimes it is darker:
1. Sometimes the crust has a light colour, sometimes it is darker:1. S
You can adjust the crust colour yourself, by using the “crust” button. This button
allows you to select a “light”, “medium” or “dark” crust colour.
Why has my bread risen as high as the lid of the breadmaker?
You have used either too much sugar or too much yeast or both. This has caused a
larger amount of gas bubbles within the bread.
Why doesn’t the program “fast” allow me to bake a bread with fruits?
With this program, the time for fermenting is shorter. When you add more ingredients,
this will also effect the baking time and the result will be disappointing.
When making heavier types of bread, the appliance seems to knead slower.
This is perfectly normal and does in no way damage your breadmaker. We do however
advise you to add a tablespoonful of liquid, when baking heavier bread.
Your bread keeps turning out bad
We recommend that you try and bake one bread on the basis of a ready-made bread
mix. These types of mixtures only require that you add some water and butter. If that
works and the result is to your liking, this means there is nothing wrong with your
breadmaker. Please check the freshness of the ingredients used.
The appliance doesn’t work
Is your breadmaker activated and have you plugged it in properly? The temperature
may be too high.
Sometimes smoke comes out of the holes
Perhaps you spilled some of the ingredients on the heating element.
The bread has caved in / the centre of the bread is too moist
You have left the bread in the bread pan for too long after the baking was fi nished. Or
you have used too much water or too much yeast.
The top of the bread is cracked and has a brownish colour
You used too much fl our, yeast or sugar.
The top layer of the bread is still covered with fl our
You didn’t use enough water.

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