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Assembly (refer to diagram)
Lid-(A) – Place the slide cover on top of the food bowl so the nger tab is in the
opening of the lid. Now align lid pins with the feeder base and push down. The lid pins
only align one way on the feeder base. Do not use excessive force when installing the
lid. Check for proper alignment if you have trouble getting the lid to lock down on the
feeder base.
SLIDE COVER (B) – For keeping your pet from eating until the 1st programmed
feeding starts.
FINGER TAB (C) – For closing the slide cover which will lock into the lid
FOOD BOWL (D) – The food bowl will seat into the hub in the feeder base in only
one position. Be sure the food bowl seats properly onto the hub
HUB (E) – The food bowl slides into this and is what rotates the food bowl
LOCK (F) – Used to lock the lid to the feeder base. Push in the middle of each lock
and pull up using your ngertips to remove lid.
FEEDER BASE (G) – Place the feeder base on a at level surface at a height that is
easy for you to see what you are doing
Notes & FAQ
1. When the bowl is rotating both the clock setting and mode setting are not
2. Under clock display mode the colon icon (:) will ash. The colon icon (:) is turned
O when in feeding timer mode.
3. A PM icon will be displayed in the afternoon under 12-hour clock mode and
turned o in the AM. The PM icon will not be displayed under 24 hour clock
4. In feeding timer mode, three numbers will show up, the rst number is the
feeding number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) and last two digits indicate the feeding time
in hours.
5. When the feeding timer starts, the BELL icon will turn On. Under feeding-timer
display mode a solid BELL icon means the feeding time has already passed. A
ashing BELL icon means the feeding time has not been reached. This lets the
user know how many feedings are left for feeding.
6. If the time for the next feeding is set earlier than the present feeding time, the
feeding will start the next day.
7. If the Mode key is pressed and held for more than 2 seconds the number will ra-
pidly increase automatically until you release the key. When number reaches its
maximum, the number will fall back to the minimum value and start increasing
8. If the feeding timer has already begun, pressing the START key will reset the
timer and begin again from the 1st feeding-time set.
9. If START TOMORROW key is pressed, both the BELL and Zz icon will be ON. The
Zz icon will turn OFF at 0:00 midnight to indicate the timer has started.
10. START TOMORROW is used should you want to set your feeder up today and
have it start tomorrow. This is good for when you have programmed feeding
times that have yet to pass so you can prepare in advance for a possible trip or
just being away the next day and not wanting the feeder to run the day you
programmed it
Never leave children unsupervised with the packaging material. There is a risk of
suocation. Keep children away from the product.
Batteries do not belong into children‘s hands. Don’t leave batteries freely accessible.
There is a risk that they may be swallowed by children or pets. If swallowed, seek
medical advice immediately.
This device may be used by children over 8 years of age as well as by persons with
reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or lack of experience and knowledge
when they are supervised or instructed regarding the safe use of the device and when
they understand the resulting dangers of using the device.
Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and maintenance must not be
performed by children without supervision. Do not use the product if you notice any
The batteries must not be short-circuited. Overheating, re or bursting can result from
Never throw batteries into re or water. Do not recharge batteries that are not rechar-
geable! The batteries can explode. Leaked or damaged batteries can cause chemical
burns when in contact with the skin; be sure to wear suitable protective gloves in this
case. Remove used batteries from the device. Very old or used batteries can leak. The
chemical liquid will damage the product.
Remove the batteries from the device when not in use for an extended period of
time. Always use batteries of the same type (see chapter „Technical data“). Check the
batteries regularly for signs of leakage. Do not expose the product to high tempera-
tures or humidity as this could damage the product. Prevent mechanical stress on the
product! In the event of damage, repairs or other problems with the light wire, consult
an electrician. Do not mix old and new batteries.
The packaging consists of environmentally friendly materials, which can be disposed
of at the local recycling centers.
You can nd out how to dispose of the disused product at your municipal adminis-
tration. Throw your product when it has depleted, in the interest of environmental
protection not in the household waste, but lead it to a proper disposal. You can get
information about collection points and their opening hours at your local administra-
Do not throw electrical appliances into household waste! According to the
European Directive 2012/19/EC on electrical waste and electronic equip-
ment and its implementation in national law, disused electrical equip
ment must be collected separately and recycled in an environmentally
sound manner. Therefore, electrical appliances are marked with the pictured symbol.
Defective or used batteries must be recycled in accordance with
Directive 2006/66/EC. Return batteries and / or the device to the
collection points provided. Batteries must not be disposed of via
household waste. They may contain toxic heavy metals and are subject
to special waste treatment.
Declaration of Conformity
The EU Declaration of Conformity is available under the contact data for the query and
can be requested if required.
Date of information: 2017
Art. Nr. 50132
dobar Trading GmbH & Co. KG
Fabrikstr. 3 ∙ D - 48599 Gronau
+49 (0)25 62 / 81 46 27

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