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Be familiar with the product before using it for the rst time. Please read the follo-
wing operating instructions and the safety instructions carefully. Use the product only
as described and for the specied application areas. Keep these instructions. Hand
over all documents when passing the product on to third parties.
Intended Use
This product is only suitable for the feeding of pets for private use. The product is not
intended for commercial use.
General safety instructions
Damages caused by non-observance of these operating instructions will void the
guarantee claim! No liability is assumed for consequential damages! No liability is
accepted for damage to property or personal injury caused by improper handling or
neglecting the safety instructions!
Control Panel Keys
MODE - switches between clock or feeding time display. Also increases clock
time during clock / feeding time Set mode
SET – enters settings mode. Also conrms the time you enter and advances to
next setting
START NOW – starts the feeding timer immediately
START TOMORROW- starts the feeding timer the next day
REC – records your personal voice message
PLAY – plays back your recorded voice message
ON SWITCH – turns the feeder on / o. For when the feeder will not be used
for an extended period of time. Turning this switch o will RESET all time and
feeding settings
Getting Started
1. Carefully turn the pet feeder upside down. Remove both battery doors by
squeezing the two tabs and gently pulling each door away
2. Keep the ON switch set to OFF
3. Insert four C size alkaline batteries into the battery tray. Do NOT use old or
-cheap- carbon batteries
4. Close the battery doors, rotate the feeder right-side up and switch ON
5. The feeder will cycle one time until “12:00” is on the LCD display
Note: Your pet feeder makes the food available in this sequence:
Tray 1, Tray 2, Tray 3 to Tray 6. When you want only one feeding, you
should ll only Tray 1; for only 2 feedings, ll Trays 1 and 2 and so
Setting the Feeding Time
1. After setting the clock time, press the MODE key one time. (1 1) will show on
the display. This is the feeding-time display mode.
2. Now press and hold the SET key for (2 seconds) to enter Feeding time SET
mode. Feeding will start from the rst feeding number & time. The 1st digit
shows the feeding number (Food Tray 1)
3. The hour digit will now blink (2nd and 3rd digit). Press the MODE key to increase
the time, then press the SET key to conrm the time you set
4. After conrming the 1st feeding time, the next feeding number & time will
show on the display. (1st digit will change to the next feeding number, e.g. 2 or
3 or 4 or 5 or 6 and back to 1) To change the feeding time, repeat step-3
5. Repeat step-3 until all 6 feeding times are set. The display will change back to
clock display mode when all 6 feedings have been set
Setting the Feeding Time
1. After setting the clock time, press the MODE key one time. (1 1) will show on
the display. This is the feeding-time display mode.
2. Now press and hold the SET key for (2 seconds) to enter Feeding time SET
mode. Feeding will start from the rst feeding number & time. The 1st digit
shows the feeding number (Food Tray 1)
3. The hour digit will now blink (2nd and 3rd digit). Press the MODE key to increase
the time, then press the SET key to conrm the time you set
4. After conrming the 1st feeding time, the next feeding number & time will
show on the display. (1st digit will change to the next feeding number, e.g. 2 or
3 or 4 or 5 or 6 and back to 1) To change the feeding time, repeat step-3
5. Repeat step-3 until all 6 feeding times are set. The display will change back to
clock display mode when all 6 feedings have been set
Program examples:
1. Feed once a day at 13:00hr (24hrs display) and feed for 6 days
Feed time 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 all equal = 13:00hr
2. Feed twice a day at 10:00 and 20:00 and feed for three days
Feed time 1 = 10, feed time 2 = 20, feed time 3 = 10, feed time 4 = 20, feed
time 5 = 10 and the last time 6 = 20
3. Feed three times a day at 6:00am, 12:00 and 18:00 (6:00pm)
Feed time 1 = 06, feed time 2 = 12, feed time 3 = 18 and so on
Review and Start the feeding timer
1. Use the MODE key to cycle through clock and your set feeding times.
2. Press the START NOW key to start the feeding timer immediately. The bowl will
rotate to the pre-set starting position (Tray 6) and your recorded message will
play once. The BELL icon will now be On
3. Or press the START TOMORROW key and the feeding timer will start at
0:00-Midnight. The bowl will rotate to the pre-set starting position (Tray 6) and
your recorded message will play once. The BELL and Zz icon will now be On
Quick Start Guide
50132 Automatic 6 Meal LCD Clock Pet Feeder

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