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1. Read all instructions, warnings and labels carefully. Keep these instructions.
2. Remove all "foreign" material from the bread pan.
3. Clean the bread pan and paddle before use.
4. Remove the plastic film from the control panel and all labels.
5. Always plug the appliance into a 230 AC socket
6. Do not rest anything on the power cable. Do not touch the hot surfaces of the appliance. Do not lay or
leave the power cable across transit points or where someone could trip over it. Do not rest the applian-
ce on the edge of a table or bench.
During use
1. This appliance is cold to the touch, but heats up during operation. Keep hands and face away.
2. Do not open the lid or remove the bread pan while the appliance is operating unless specifically indica-
ted in the instructions.
3. Do not place anything on the lid of the appliance. Do not cover the vents.
4. The appliance has a power failure backup which retains the cooking cycle in the memory in the event of
power failure. Prolonged power failure could cause the programme to be cancelled (see page 13 for
complete details).
5. Do not touch and/or try to block moving parts (e.g. the paddle while in operation).
6. Do not place your hand in the bread pan while the appliance is in operation
Where to use the appliance
1. Use on a stable heat resistant surface.
2. Do not use the appliance in direct sunlight or near heat sources such as heaters or ovens.
3. Do not place the bread maker on top of other appliances.
4. Keep the appliance away from children as it becomes hot. In addition, touching the buttons accidentally
during operation may stop the baking process
5. Place the appliance at least 20 cm from the walls or they may be discoloured by the heat.
After use
1. Always turn the appliance off by placing the ON/OFF switch in the "0" position. Unplug from the mains
after use and before cleaning.
2. Use oven gloves to remove the bread pan after baking.
3. Allow the appliance to cool down before cleaning it or putting it away.
4. Read the instructions before cleaning. Do not immerse the appliance or the plug in water. It could lead
to electric shock or damage to the appliance.
5. Do not use sharp or cutting metal objects to clean the bread pan.
6. If the appliance is kept permanently plugged into the mains sockets after use, put the pan back in the
Safety precautions
1. To avoid electric shock or injury, use the accessories recommended by the manufacturer only.
2. Do not use the appliance outdoors, for commercial purposes or for uses other than those for which it was
3. If the power cable is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, an authorised service centre or
a qualified electrician in order to eliminate all risk. If the appliance is dropped or damaged in any way
do not use it. Take it to the nearest authorised service centre for checking, repair or mechanical or elec-
trical adjustment.
4. Disconnect the appliance by pulling the plug (not the cable).
5. Extensions: the appliance is supplied with a short power cable to reduce the risk of injury caused by beco-
ming entangled in or tripping over a long cable. If you must use an extension, take the utmost care. It
must not hang from the work surface where children could pull it or trip over it accidentally.

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