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Why must the quantity of flour and water in the recipes be varied so often?
The characteristics of the flour vary from season to season, according to storage or the humidity of the air.
Flour absorbs moisture and so the quantity changes according to exposure to different conditions.
Check the quantity after kneading for 10 minutes. If it appears "gluey", add flour a tablespoon at a time.
If the dough is too dry or too solid, add water a teaspoon at a time.
Well balanced bread dough should have an even elastic appearance and be soft to the touch.
Can I use the Turbo function for all recipes?
The Turbo function can be used for all classical, wholemeal, sweet or French recipes.
However, the loaf will be smaller and denser and therefore not of optimum quality.
When using this function, try increasing the quantity of active dry yeast by
a teaspoon in the stan-
dard recipe. When you get satisfactory results, make a note for when you use the Turbo function again.
And if I don't have kitchen scales?
For best results, you should weigh the flour (1 cup = 135g). However, you can make tasty homemade bread
without scales following the quantities given in the instructions.
Can I accelerate the start of programme (12) Oven?
No. The built-in thermostat prevents the appliance from overheating.
The appliance must cool down for about ten minutes before you can start using the Oven function.
How can I make classical bread more nourishing?
You can modify any recipe in these Instructions by using 50/50,
white flour and
wholemeal flour.
This adds more fibre to classical bread and makes wholemeal bread lighter.
Check the dough after 10 minutes and adjust the quantity of water as necessary.
When you get satisfactory results, make a note.
The children like honey. Can I use it instead of sugar?
You can use the same quantities of honey, treacle or brown sugar instead of white sugar.
The use of artificial sweeteners in bread recipes is not recommended.
Can I make salt-free bread?
Salt plays an important role in bread baking. It controls fermentation of the active dry yeast and affects the
structure of the bread by reinforcing the gluten. Omitting salt from the recipes is not recommended.
Without salt, the shape, colour and soft part of the bread will be different and it will not keep as well.
Must I leave the bread inside the appliance to keep warm?
No. This function circulates the hot air for the period indicated to retain the crustiness and shape of the just-
cooked loaf. You can take the bread out of the appliance at any moment after baking.
Sometimes the bread does not rise, why?
Perhaps simply because you have forgotten the active dry yeast.
Or because the active dry yeast is past the "Use by" date or has not fermented.
Other causes could be the wrong amounts of ingredients or the use of hot water.
Fresh ingredients and correct measuring techniques are essential for successful bread baking.
Can I always use the Delay Bake function?
The Delay Bake function can be set to have bread ready up to 13 hours afterwards.
If you set the function before going to work or to bed, you will have hot fresh bread when you want it.
Don't forget that some recipes are unsuitable for the Delay Bake function because they contain perishable
ingredients which could deteriorate such as milk, eggs, yoghurt, cheese or meat.

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