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Description of the accessories
(page 2 - C )
C1. Measure
C2. Cleaning brush
C3. Descaler bottle
C4. Water softener filter (certain models only)
Checking the appliance
After removing the packaging, make sure the
product is complete and undamaged and that all
accessories are present. Do not use the applian-
ce if it is visibly damaged. Contact De’Longhi
Customer Services.
Installing the appliance
When installing the appliance, respect the fol-
lowing safety warnings:
• The appliance gives off heat. After positio-
ning the appliance on the worktop, leave a
space of at least 3 cm between the surfaces
of the appliance and the side and rear walls
and at least 15 cm above the coffee maker.
• Water penetrating the coffee maker could
cause damage. Do not place the appliance
near taps or sinks.
• Theappliancecouldbedamagedifthewater
it contains freezes.
Do not install the appliance in a room where
the temperature could drop below freezing
• Arrangethepowercableinsuchawaythatit
cannot be damaged by sharp edges or con-
tact with hot surfaces (e.g. electric hot pla-
Connecting the appliance
Check that the mains power supply voltage cor-
responds to the value indicated on the rating pla-
te on the bottom of the appliance.
Connect the appliance to an efficiently earthed
and correctly installed socket with a minimum
current rating of 10A only.
If the power socket does not match the plug on
the appliance, have the socket replaced with a
suitable type by a qualified professional.
Using the appliance for the first time
Please note:
• Coffeehasbeenusedtofactorytesttheap-
pliance and it is therefore completely normal
for there to be traces of coffee in the mill. The
machine is, however, guaranteed to be new.
• You should customise water hardness as
soon as possible following the instructions
in the section “Setting water hardness” on
page 17.
1. Plug the appliance into the mains socket and
place the main switch on the back of the ap-
pliance in the I position (fig. 1).
You must first choose the language (the langua-
ges scroll through at intervals of about 3 secon-
2. When “English” appears, press the but-
installed” is displayed.
Follow the instructions displayed by the applian-
3. “FILLTANK!”:removethewatertank,llto
the MAX line with fresh water (fig. 3A) then
replace in the appliance (fig. 3B).
4. Place a container with a minimum capacity of
100 ml under the cappuccino maker (fig. 4).
5. “TURNSTEAMKNOB”:turntheknobtothe
“I” position (g. 4). “HOT WATER... CON-
FIRM?” is displayed;
6. Press the button to confirm. The ap-
pliance delivers water from the cappuccino
maker then goes off automatically.
7. Turn the steam knob to the “0” position.
The coffee maker is now ready for normal use.
Please note:
• Whenusingtheapplianceforthersttime,
you need to make 4-5 cups of coffee or 4-5
cappuccinos before the appliance starts to
give satisfactory results.
• Toenjoyyourcoffeeevenmoreandimprove
the performance of your appliance, we re-
commend installing a water softener filter as
FILTER”. If your model is not provided with
a filter, you can request one from De’Longhi
Customer Services.

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Zoeken resetten

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  • Bij het malen van de koffiebonen maakt de machine een heel hard lawaai, precies alsof er een steentje in vermalen wordt, of dat de tandwieltjes verkeerd over mekaar draaien Gesteld op 24-4-2023 om 13:47

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  • Aanvullende opmerking /tip indien lampje “reiniging” blijft branden : belangrijk om water te vullen tot MAX, dat is 1cm onder de rand. De instructie plus plaatje in handleiding geeft aan vullen tot niveau B maar dat (B)lijkt veel lager dan MAX. Na uren frustratie lukte het me dus uiteindelijk wel ?? Gesteld op 6-6-2021 om 10:32

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi ECAM23.420

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 39 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 17 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 39 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português, Espanôl, Polski, Türkiye, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 22 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 6 pagina's

DeLonghi ECAM23.420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Alle talen - 22 pagina's

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