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Using the Stop/Cancel Button
Should you want to interrupt the toasting process, simply press
the stop/cancel button at any time.
Do not force control lever to eject toast etc. Always use the
stop/cancel button.
Using the Reheat Button
Press down control lever and press the reheat button.The reheat
light will remain on whilst the reheat function is in use. Please note
that this is a fixed reheat time which cannot be adjusted by the
browning control.
Crumb tray
The crumb tray should be emptied regularly as a build-up of
crumbs could be a potential fire hazard. After toasting, allow the
toaster to cool down thoroughly, then slide out the crumb tray
and empty. Please note the 4-slice model has a slide out crumb
tray on each side.
Hints and Tips for better toasting
If your toaster is not plugged in and switched on, the control
lever will not lock in the down position.
•For best results use bread slices of even thickness, size and
Select a lower setting if:
a) using stale bread (toasts more quickly than fresh bread)
b) using thin bread (toasts more quickly than thick bread)
•To remove smaller items such as muffins, crumpets and bagels
the control lever can be lifted approximately 20mm above the
starting position.
•To achieve even browning, we suggest a minimum of 30 seconds
between each toasting to allow the control to automatically reset.
•Never use the toaster without bread inserted.
Do not use very thin ar broken slices of bread
•Do not insert other foods that may drip during the cooking
process. As well as making the cleaning procedure more diffi-
cult it may be a potential fire hazard. It is also very important to
clean the crumb tray before each use.
•Do not insert (by force) foods that are too by for the slots.
•Do not insert forks ar other utensils into the toaster in order
to remove bread, as it may damage the resistence coils of the
appliance. Remove the plug from the socket and turn the appli-
ance over, gently shaking it to remove the lodged items.
Toster CTM 2023/4023

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