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Toster CTM 2023/4023
Thank you for choosing this De’Longhi Toaster. To get the best
results from your new toaster it is advisable to read these
instructions carefully before using the appliance.This is the
only way to ensure optimum results and maximum safety.
Using for the first time
Carefully unpack the toaster and remove all of the packaging
Place the toaster on a flat working surface away from water
taps and sinks.
Before using for the first time, to eliminate the new smell, oper-
ate the toaster without bread inside for at least 5 minutes.
Ensure there is plenty of ventilation in the room.
Check that the mains supply corresponds to the voltage on the
the appliance rating plate. Connect the appliance to a correctly
earthed power socket (minimum rating 10A) only.
The manufacturer declines all liability for any accidents due to
the incorrect earthing of the appliance.
Please read safety warnings and electrical requirements before
using this appliance.
Using the Toaster
Ensure control lever is raised
Plug into a suitable mains supply socket.
Insert up to two slices of bread into toasting slots or up to four
slices if using 4-slice model
•Turn the variable browning control dial to required setting
(1=lightest, 6= darkest)
•Press down control lever until it locks
Once the chosen level of browning has been reached, the toast
will automatically rise ready for removal from the slots
If the first slices are not browned sufficiently, select a higher set-
ting next time
Using the Defrost Button
•To toast frozen bread, place in the toasting slots
•Press down control lever until it locks
•Press the “Defrost Button”.The “Defrost Light” will remain on
while the defrost function is in use, and toasting time will be
automatically extended
Using the Reheat Button
•Press down control lever until it locks.
•Press the reheat button.The reheat light will remain on whilst
the reheat function is in use.
Please note that this is a fixed reheat time which cannot be
adjusted by the browning control.

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