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811 & 851
Seven Day Single Channel Electronic Timeswitch
The Model 811 or 851 timeswitch must be installed by
a competant electrician and the installation should
conform to IEE Wiring Regulations.
Installation & Wiring
1. Slacken the four fi xing screws, one in each corner of the
unit, and carefully separate the front and rear portions.
Unplug the ribbon cable from the rear portion.
CAUTION: Do not allow either half of the unit to hang
by the ribbon cable as damage could be caused.
2. Remove the polystyrene packing piece from the top of
the transformer. It is marked ‘REMOVE’.
3. Select the desired fi xing position and observe the label
THIS WAY UP’ inside the rear portion. The two halves will
only assemble correctly one way round.
4. Four xing holes are provided for attaching the rear
portion to the wall or mounting surface.
Conduit box adaptors as shown below are available if
Part No.: 8/3222 Square Conduit Box Adaptor
Part No.: 8/3223 Double Gang Surface Box Adaptor
5. Surface cable entries to the units can be made from
above, below or from the left hand side. Conduit or
recessed cable entry is through the aperture in the rear
6. For surface cable entry remove the appropriate knock-
out and ensure one of the two cable clamps is positioned
7. Connections to the units should be made as shown
Model 811
Model 851
If the control circuit(s) are to operate at 240V then
terminals L & 1 must be linked, ensuring that the cable is
sheathed and of a size to carry the required load current.
If, however, the control circuit(s) are operating at other
than 240V then no link(s) should be fi tted and in the
case of Model 811 both terminals 1 and 2 should be
connected to the load circuit; for Model 851 terminals
1, 2, and 3 (if required) should be connected to the load
8. Upon completion of wiring plug in the ribbon cable
ensuring the polarised plug is fully inserted into socket,
refi t the front half of the timeswitch ensuring the correct
alignment and that no cables are trapped before re-
tightening the screws.
Spare N L 1 2
240V, 50 Hz
Mains Supply
Link for 240V
control circuit
N L 6 5 4 3 2 1
240V, 50 Hz
Mains Supply
Link for 240V
control circuit
2 xings for
double gang
surface box
Alternative 4 xings
for double gang
surface box
4 xings
for Mark 8
4 xings for
existing square
conduit box
4 xings
for mark 8

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Andere handleiding(en) van Danfoss 851

Danfoss 851 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 2 pagina's

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