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Do not block air inlets nor outlets. Impaired air flow may result in insufficient performance or trouble.
Do not stand or sit on the outdoor unit. Do not place any object on the unit to avoid injury, do not remove the fan guard.
Do not place anything under the indoor or outdoor unit that must be kept away from moisture. In certain conditions,
moisture in the air may condense and drip.
After a long use, check the unit stand and fittings for damage.
Do not touch the air inlet and alminium fins of outdoor unit. It may cause injury.
The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm persons without supervision.
Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
To avoid oxygen deficiency, ventilate the room sufficiently if equipment with burner is used together with the
air conditioner.
Before cleaning, be sure to stop the operation, turn the breaker off or pull out the supply cord.
Do not connect the air conditioner to a power supply different from the one as specified. It may cause
trouble or fire.
Arrange the drain hose to ensure smooth drainage. Incomplete draining may cause wetting of the building, furniture
Do not place objects in direct proximity of the outdoor unit and do not let leaves and other debris accumulate around
the unit.
Leaves are a hotbed for small animals which can enter the unit. Once in the unit, such animals can cause
malfunctions, smoke or fire when making contact with electrical parts.
Do not operate the air conditioner with wet hands.
Do not wash the indoor unit with excessive water, only use a slightly wet cloth.
Do not place things such as vessels containing water or anything else on top of the unit. Water may
penetrate into the unit and degrade electrical insulations, resulting in an electric shock.
To install the air conditioner in the following types of environments, consult the dealer.
Places with an oily ambient or where steam or soot occurs.
Salty environment such as coastal areas.
Places where sulfide gas occurs such as hot springs.
Places where snow may block the outdoor unit.
The drain from the outdoor unit must be discharged to a place of good drainage.
For installation, choose a place as described below.
A place solid enough to bear the weight of the unit which does not amplify the operation noise or vibration.
A place from where the air discharged from the outdoor unit or the operation noise will not annoy
your neighbours
For power supply, be sure to use a separate power circuit dedicated to the air conditioner.
Relocating the air conditioner requires specialized knowledge and skills. Please consult the dealer if
relocation is necessary for moving or remodeling.
Installation site.
Consider nuisance to your neighbours from noises.
Electrical work.
System relocation.
01_EN_3P190111-3D.fm Page 3 Thursday, November 19, 2009 1:27 PM

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