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When an abnormality (such as a burning smell) occurs, stop operation and turn the breaker OFF.
Continued operation in an abnormal condition may result in troubles, electric shocks or fire.
Consult the service shop where you bought the air conditioner.
Do not attempt to repair or modify the air conditioner by yourself.
Incorrect work may result in electric shocks or fire.
Consult the service shop where you bought the air conditioner.
If one of the following symptoms takes place, call the service shop immediately.
Disposal requirements
Your product and the batteries supplied with the controller are marked with this symbol. This symbol means
that electrical and electronic products and batteries shall not be mixed with unsorted household waste.
For batteries, a chemical symbol can be printed beneath the symbol. This chemical symbol means
that the battery contains a heavy metal above a certain concentration. Possible chemical symbols are:
Pb: lead (>0.004%)
Do not try to dismantle the system yourself: the dismantling of the product, treatment of the refrigerant, of oil and
of other parts must be done by a qualified installer in accordance with relevant local and national legislation.
Units and waste batteries must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for re-use, recycling and recovery.
By ensuring correct disposal, you will help to prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.
Please contact the installer or local authority for more information.
In certain operating conditions, the inside of the air conditioner may get foul after several seasons of use, result-
ing in poor performance. It is recommended to have periodical maintenance by a specialist aside from regular
cleaning by the user. For specialist maintenance, contact the service shop where you bought the air conditioner.
The maintenance cost must be born by the user.
This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol.
Refrigerant type:
GWP = global warming potential
Periodical inspections for refrigerant leaks may be required depending on European or local legislation.
Please contact your local dealer for more information.
Call the service shop immediately.
After a power failure
The air conditioner automatically resumes operation
in about 3 minutes. You should just wait for a while.
If lightning may strike the neighbouring area, stop oper-
ation and turn the breaker OFF for system protection.
We recommend periodical maintenance.
Important information regarding the refrigerant used.
The power cord is abnormally hot or damaged.
An abnormal sound is heard during operation.
The safety breaker, a fuse, or the earth leakage breaker
cuts off the operation frequently.
A switch or a button often fails to work properly.
There is a burning smell.
Water leaks from the indoor unit.
Turn the breaker
OFF and call the
service shop.
01_EN_3P190111-3D.fm Page 27 Thursday, November 19, 2009 1:27 PM

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Daikin FTX60GV1B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 30 pagina's

Daikin FTX60GV1B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 30 pagina's

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