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5. The year digit will ash and Yr icon appears. Press [ + ] or [ - ] button to set your desired year. Press [ ]
button to conrm.
Note: Year range is from 2000 to 2099.
6. D and M icons will ash. Press [ + ] or [ - ] to select D M (Date Month) or M D (Month Date) format. Press [ ]
button to conrm.
7. Month digits will ash. Press [ + ] or [ - ] button to set your desired month. Press [ ] button to conrm. Do the same to
set Date.
1. In clock time display mode, press [ ] button twice to display alarm time for 10 seconds.
2. Press [-] button in alarm display mode to arm or disarm the daily alarm.
3. Press and hold [ ] for 2 seconds to enter the alarm setting mode.
4. The hour digit will ash, use [+] button to increase by one hour or [-] button to decrease by one hour to your
desired hours. Hold down the button will change the increment rapidly. Press [ ] button to conrm.
5. The minute digits will ash. Use [+] button to increase by one minute or [-] button to decrease by one minute to
your desired minutes. Hold down the button will change the increment rapidly. Press [ ] button to conrm and nish the
1. Press [ ] key to your desire Hi or Lo temperature limit for designated IN or REMOTE thermo at the desirable channel;
2. Press and hold the [ ] key for 2 seconds, the corresponding display digits start blinking;
3. Use the [+] & [-] keys to change for your desired setting;
4. Press [ ] key to conrm setting and exit the setting mode. (“ ” or “ icon appears to indicate the lower or upper alert is
5. Auto-exit the temperature alert display and returns to current temperature display mode after 5 seconds. (Hi-Lo temperature
limit icon disappears; leaving “ or “ ” icon to indicator alert is armed.)
6. To disarm the temperature alert – go to the desired temperature alert display mode, press [-] key once to disable
the alert, the “ ” or “ icon disappears.
Main Unit
Displayed IN temperature range : -1C to +60.0°C (14°F to 140.0°F)
Proposed operating range : 0°C to +50.0°C (32.0°F - 122.0°F)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C (0.2°F)
Remote Temperature measurement
Displayed OUT temperature range : -50.0°C to +70.0°C (-58.0°F to 158.0°F)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C (0.2°F)
Battery : DC 3V, 2 x AAA size
Snooze : 8 minutes
Remote Unit
Sensor with LCD Display : 0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +122°F)
Sensor without LCD Display : -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)
Detachable Outdoor Probe : -50°C to +70°C (-58°F to +158°F)
Temperature resolution : 0.1°C (0.2°F)
RF Transmission Frequency : 433 MHz
Transmission Range : 30 meters/100 feet, open area
Temperature sensing cycle : 60 - 75 seconds
Battery: : DC 3V, 2 x AAA size
The information in this document has been viewed and is believed to be accurate. However, neither the
manufacturer nor its afliates assume any responsibility for inaccuracies, errors or omissions that may be
contained herein. In no event will the manufacturer or its afliates be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental
or consequential damages arisen by using this product or resulting from any defect/omission in this document,
even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
The manufacturer and its afliates reserve the right to make improvements or changes to this document and
the products and services described at any time, without notice or obligation.

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