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1. Lift off the bracket stand of the remote sensor unit by releasing the 2 xing snaps at the bottom;
2. Use a small Philips type screwdriver to remove the battery cover screws;
3. Insert 2 pieces of AAA size batteries according to the “+” and “-” polarity marks shown in the battery compart- ment and
then close the battery door.
1. Insert x2 AAA batteries rst to the main unit. The temperature display shows - - . – while the wave icon will keep blinking for
2 minutes indicate the main unit is in sensor searching mode.
2. In a second step, insert the x2 AAA batteries into the sensor unit. The LED on the front panel will start ashing at
a rate of one time per around 2 seconds indicates channel-1 is in use.
3. While the LED is ashing, press once the [CH] key will change the sensor channel setting to 2. Keep toggle on
[CH] key can change channel setting up to 3. The LED is blinking at a frequency to indicate the channel setting. i.e.
continuous blinks 2 times indicate channel-2 is selected.
Note: If user does not press any key for 10 seconds, it will exit the channel setting mode and
transmit the RF signal. The main unit will register the temperature reading.
This device is equipped with an auto-scroll function. While the auto-scroll function is set, the unit will automatically cycle to display
the temperature of each remote sensor for 6 seconds.
1. To retrieve manually the specic sensor temperature and humidity reading, press CHANNEL key until desired channel number
is displayed.
2. To enable auto-scroll function, use CHANNEL button to toggle channel 1,2,.,. until auto scroll icon appears beside the channel
The radio-controlled time is calculated by the Cesium Atomic clock of Braunschweig (ofcial clock of Germany). Then the time is
coded and transmitted from Mainingen - near Frankfurt - via a signal on DCF-77 (77.5 kHz). The transmitting range of the signal
is 500 km, which means that most of Western and Central Europe is covered by this signal. Within this range the received time is
completely accurate. Once sensor signal(s) are received, the wave icon will ash to indicate that the receiving unit starts to receive
the DCF radio controlled time signal. Radio Controlled
wave icon can indicate 4 levels of signal status:
Once the time signal is received, the wave icon will stay on the LCD, and time and calendar will automatically be updated.
Note: During the 10-minute time signal reception, all manual settings will be suspended. If setting is
desired, press once [ + ] key to deactivate the reception. You can also press and hold the same key for
2 seconds to manually activate the reception in normal mode.
1. Press & hold [ ] button for 2 seconds to enter clock setting mode. Flashing 24 hours will appear.
2. Press [ + ] or [ - ] button to switch between 24 hours and 12 hours format, and then press [ ] button to
3. The hour digits will ash. Use the [ + ] button to increase by one hour or [ - ] button to decrease by one hour to your desired
hours. Holding down either button will change the increment rapidly. Press [ ] button to conrm.
4. The minute digits will ash. Use the [ + ] button or [ - ] button to set your desired minutes. Holding down either button will
change the increment rapidly. Press [ ] button to conrm.
Note: Every change of minute digit will automatically reset the seconds to zero.

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