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The following warranty applies solely
in the country where this product was
initially sold by a retailer to a customer.
The warranty covers all manufacturing and
material defects, existing and appearing, at
the date of purchase or appearing within
a term of two (2) years from the date of
purchase from the retailer who initially sold
the product to a consumer (manufacturer’s
warranty). In the event that a manufacturing
or material defect should appear, we will
– at our own discretion – either repair the
product free of charge or replace it with a
new product. To obtain such warranty it is
required to take or ship the product to the
retailer, who initially sold this product to a
customer and to submit an original proof
of purchase (sales receipt or invoice) that
contains the date of purchase, the location
of the retailer and the type designation of
this product. This warranty shall not apply
in the event that this product is taken
or shipped to the manufacturer or any
other person other than the retailer who
initially sold this product to a consumer.
Please check the product with respect
to completeness and manufacturing or
material defects immediately at the date of
purchase or, in the event that the product
was purchased on the internet or a web
shop, immediately after receipt. In case
of a defect, stop using the product and
take or ship it immediately to the retailer
who initially sold it. In a warranty case the
product has to be returned in a clean and
complete condition. Prior to contacting the
retailer, please read this instruction manual
carefully. This warranty does not cover any
damages caused by misuse, environmental
influence (water, fire, accidents etc.) or
normal wear and tear.
This warranty only applies in the event
that the product was always used in
compliance with the use instructions
provided in this user manual, if any and all
modifications and services were performed
by authorized persons and if original
components and accessories were used.
This warranty does not exclude, limit or
otherwise affect any statutory consumer
rights, including claims in tort and claims
with respect to a breach of contract, which
the buyer may have against the seller or the
manufacturer of the product.
Riedinger Str. 18
95448 Bayreuth / Germany
Tel. +49 921 78511-0
Fax. +49 921 78511-999

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De handleiding is 11,73 mb groot.


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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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