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The user is responsible for the regular
maintenance of the stroller. All connecting
parts must be tight and secured properly.
It is particularly important to ensure that
the locking and swiveling mechanisms
are treated regularly with Teflon spray
(dry lubricant). It is important that brakes,
wheels and tyres are not impaired during
use. Inspect them regularly and repair or
replace if necessary. You can also treat
the other moving parts with Teflon spray
(dry lubricant). After spraying on the
Teflon, wipe the product with a soft cloth.
The frame tubes covered by the locking
mechanism and turning mechanism should
also be regularly cleaned and sprayed.
This will ensure that you enjoy your stroller
without any problems. Do not make any
Holder is 0.5 kg.
y The maximum load for the CYBEX
Changing Bag is 2.0 kg.
y Regularly inspect your CYBEX PRIAM
for any signs of wear or damaged
parts and refer to the Maintenance and
Cleaning instructions on page 23.
y Only use approved CYBEX accessories
with the CYBEX PRIAM.
y Do not use if any part of the product is
broken, torn or missing.
y Use only original CYBEX replacement
parts. It may be unsafe to use
modifications to the product. If you have
any complaints or problems, please
contact your supplier or importer. A service
should be scheduled every 24 months. Use
only original CYBEX replacement parts. It
may be unsafe to use substitutes.
Do not use abrasives to clean the frame!
Use a damp cloth and a mild detergent and
dry thoroughly.
Should the stroller be exposed to salt
water, please rinse it down with fresh (tap)
water as soon as possible afterwards.
Fabric covers are machine washable
at max. 30° C on a delicate cycle. The
canopy can be hand washed with mild
detergent at max. 30° C. Please make note
of the care label. Do not tumble dry. Allow
covers to dry completely before re-fitting.
All CYBEX fabrics have been tested, but
when the stroller is very wet, the water may
permeate the lining through the bottom
edges and seams and leave water stains
on the upholstery. We advise you to use
a rain cover to avoid this. Also please do
not fold or store the product while wet.
If the stroller is wet, allow to dry with the
canopy extended. Never store in a damp
environment as this can cause mildew
to form. Note! Please wash the cover
separately before using it the first time. Do
not tumble dry and do not expose to direct
sunlight when drying! Do not iron!

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