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1. Base and Cover: Solid construction with
stainless steel self-adjusting cover
2. Panini-Style Handle: Sturdy cast metal
handle adjusts cover to accommodate
thickness of food
3. Removable Cooking Plates: Nonstick
and dishwasher safe for easy cleanup
a. Grill Plates:
Perfect for grilling steak,
burgers, chicken and vegetables
b. Griddle Plates:
Prepare flawless
pancakes, eggs, bacon and seared
4. Controls: Indicator lights signal “power on”
and “ready to cook”
a. Selector:
Choose the Grill/Panini or
Griddle function
b. Grill/Panini:
Adjust temperature from
“warm” to “sear”
c. Griddle:
Adjust temperature from 200
to 425 degrees
5. Drip Cups: Collect grease and are
dishwasher safe
6. Cleaning/Scraping Tool: Helps clean grill
or griddle plates after cooking
7. Plate Release Buttons: Push in to release
and remove cooking plates
8. Hinge Release Lever: Allows the cover to
lay back for cooking in the flat position
Remove all packaging materials and any
promotional labels or stickers from your grill.
Be sure all parts (listed under Parts and
Features) of your new appliance have been
included before discarding any packaging
materials. You may want to keep the box and
packing materials for use at a later date.
Note: Drips cups are located on outside of left
polyfoam insert.
Before using your Cuisinart
for the
first time, remove any dust from shipping by
wiping the base, cover and controls with a
damp cloth. Thoroughly clean cooking plates,
drip trays and scraping tool. The grill and
griddle plates, drip trays and cleaning tool
are dishwasher safe. Refer to Assembly
Instructions for plate removal.
The Griddler
is the ultimate kitchen appliance,
offering you four separate cooking options.
Simply change the cooking plates and adjust the
hinge to use as a
Contact Grill, Panini Press,
Open Grill or Griddle
. See Assembly
Instructions and Operating Instructions.
Contact Grill:
Use the Griddler
as a
Contact Grill
to cook
burgers, boneless pieces of meat and thin cuts
of meat and vegetables.
Contact Grill
function works best when
you want to cook something in a short amount
of time or when you are looking for a healthy
method of grilling. When cooked on the
food will cook quickly because you are
grilling both sides of the food item at the same
time. The ribs on the grill plates combined with
the grease spout at the corner of the plate allow
the grease to drip from the meat and drain off
the plates.
When the Griddler
is used as a
Contact Grill
the grill plates are recommended. Rest the
cover evenly on top of the food until it has
reached the desired cooked temperature.
The Griddler
was designed with a unique
handle and hinge that allows the cover to adjust
to the thickness of the food. You can easily grill
anything from a thinly-sliced potato to a thick
sirloin steak with even results.
IB-5280(0,0) 7pp 6/25/04 8:08 PM Page 3

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