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Place Griddler
on a clean flat surface where
you intend to cook.
The Griddler
can be positioned in three ways:
Closed Position – Upper plate/cover rests flat
onlower plate/base. This is your starting and
heating position
when using the
Contact Grill or
Panini Press
Open Position
Upper plate/cover
is open and in the 100° position. Open the cover
to this position before using the Griddler
as a
Contact Grill or Panini Press.
To adjust the Griddler
this position, simply lift
the handle until you feel
it come to a locking
position. The unit will
stay in this position
until you close
the cover or
continue to open
it to the Flat Position.
The cover will stay in the
upright position until you lower the handle for
cooking. When this is done, the cover will
release itself so that it lies flat on the top of the
food you are preparing. This allows you to cook
your food evenly from both top and bottom.
When you lift the handle to open the Griddler
after cooking the cover will remain in the flat
position, parallel with the lower plate. In order to
lock the cover back into the upright position, you
must close the Griddler
, without any food in
place, and open it again.
Flat Position – Upper plate/cover is level with
lower plate/base. The upper and lower plates
line up to create one large cooking surface.
The Griddler
is in this position when it is used
as an Open Grill
or Griddle.
To adjust the
to this
locate the
release lever
on the right arm.
With your left hand on the handle, use your right
hand to slide the lever toward you. Push the
handle back until the cover rests flat on the
counter. The unit will stay in this position until
you lift the handle and cover to return it to the
closed position.
If the Griddler
already in the open
position and you wish
to adjust it to the flat
position, pull the
handle slightly toward you and then lift the hinge
release lever. Push the handle back until the
cover rests in the flat position. Pulling the
handle forward slightly before lifting the hinge
release switch will take some of the pressure off
of the hinge and you will be able to adjust the
more easily.
To insert cooking plates:
Adjust the Griddler
to the Flat Position
(see above) with the controls directly in front of
you. Insert one plate at a time. Each plate is
designed to fit in either the upper housing or the
lower housing of the Griddler
. The word “lower”
or “upper” is embossed into each grill or griddle
plate to let you know where to attach the plate.
Pick up the lower grill/griddle plate with the
cutouts for the heating element facing down.
If you are facing the Griddler
the drip spout
should be at the forward right-hand corner of the
plate. Locate the
metal brackets
at the center of the
housing. Tilt the back
end of the plate and
line up the cutouts
at the back of the
plate with the metal
brackets. Slide the
plate underneath the brackets and push down
the front end of the plate. It will snap into place.
Turn the Griddler
around and insert the match-
ing grill or griddle plate into the upper housing
as you did with the first plate.
To remove cooking plates:
Adjust Griddler
to Flat Position (see above).
Locate the plate release buttons on one side of
the unit. Press firmly on button and the plate will
pop up slightly
from the base.
Grasp the plate
with two hands,
slide it out from
under the metal
brackets, and lift
it out of the base.
Press on the other plate release button to remove
the other cooking plate in the same manner.
Upper Plate
Lower Plate
Release Button
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