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and milk in a small saucepan until bubbly around the edges. Hold
over low heat to keep warm.
Insert the metal blade in the Cuisinart
food processor. Pulse the
light brown sugar 10 – 15 times to rapid sift and break up any
chunks. Remove and reserve for topping. Process the chocolate
with the instant espresso until finely chopped, about 30 seconds.
Remove and reserve.
Process the egg yolks with the granulated sugar until thick and
pale yellow in appearance, about 1-1/2 minutes.
Add the chopped chocolate mixture and process just to combine.
With the machine running, carefully add the hot cream mixture
through the small feed tube. Process until the chocolate is totally
melted, about 30 seconds.
Add the vanilla; process to combine, about 10 seconds.
Strain the custard base through a fine mesh strainer. Scoop
off any foam and discard. Divide evenly among six 4-ounce
Cover each one with Saran
Classic wrap, and arrange the
ramekins in the steamer. Place 3 ramekins in the rice bowl and 3
in the second steamer tray. Steam for 25 minutes. Turn off the
steamer; let sit 10 minutes. Remove the convection fan and lid;
use tongs to transfer the custards to a rack. They will still be jig-
gly in the center. Wipe off excess moisture and carefully remove
plastic wrap. Use a damp towel to wipe off any sticky residue.
Allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 4
hours, or up to 2 days to chill.
Sprinkle brown sugar evenly over the very cold custards, and
place under a preheated broiler to melt the sugar. The sugar will
then harden. Alternatively, the sugar may be melted with a small
propane torch. Serve immediately.
Nutritional analysis per serving:
Calories 354 (62% from fat) • carbo. 29g • prot. 5g • fat 24g •
sat. fat 11g • chol. 202mg • sod. 43mg • fiber 0g
Delicious served with vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt.
Makes 6 servings
Preparation: 15 – 20 minutes, + 25 minutes steaming time
and 10 minutes for reduction
6 ripe but firm pears
Juice of one lemon
3/4 cup dried cranberries
1-1/4 cups cranberry juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Fresh mint leaves for garnish
Fill the water reservoir and assemble the steamer.
Peel the pears. Rub with lemon juice. Leave the pears whole, but
core them. Stuff the hollow with dried cranberries. Arrange in the
rice basket.
Add the cranberry juice, any remaining dried cranberries
and vanilla.
Steam for 20 – 25 minutes until tender but still firm. Turn off the
steamer and unplug; let cool 1 minute. Lift out carefully and
allow the pears to cool in the poaching liquid. Chill if not serving
Just before serving, reduce the poaching liquid in a Cuisinart
1-quart Windsor pan over medium heat until it measures 1/2 cup.
Place each pear on a dessert dish and drizzle with the syrup.
Garnish with fresh mint leaves.
Nutritional analysis per serving:
Calories 214 (4% from fat) • carbo. 54g • prot. 1g • fat 1g •
sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 5mg • fiber 6g
01CU13171 TCS-60 IB 6/30/03 4:55 PM Page 22

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