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Setting: Steaming
Makes 12 wontons
Wonton Filling:
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallot
2 tablespoons finely chopped carrot
1 tablespoon finely chopped celery
½ green onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped water
¾ teaspoon chopped garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped mushroom
1 tablespoon finely chopped red
bell pepper
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
12 round wonton wrappers
2 cups water
Heat oil in a medium skillet set over medium heat.
Add the shallot, carrot, celery, and green onion and
sauté for about 3 minutes, until vegetables soften
slightly. Add the water chestnuts, garlic, mushroom,
and bell pepper and continue to cook for an
additional 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in ginger, soy sauce,
sesame oil, and rice vinegar and cook for about 1
minute. Remove from heat and allow to cool before
assembling wontons.
Set up your work station in a large space equipped
with small bowl of water and pastry brush, large
plate or cutting board, package of wonton
wrappers, and wonton filling. On a clean surface,
line up 3 to 6 wonton wrappers at a time. Brush the
edges of the wrappers with a small amount of
water. Place 2 teaspoons filling in center. Crimp all
edges like a pleat and pinch to seal, using more
water to help if needed. Continue to fill the
remaining wontons. Keep the prepared wontons on
a clean tray or cutting board and cover with plastic.
Put the water in the cooking pot of the Cuisinart
Rice Plus
Multi-Cooker. Select the Steam function.
Set the timer to 14 minutes and press Start.
While the cooker is preheating, place the wontons
on the provided steaming tray, making sure that the
wontons do not touch each other. Once the
preheat tone sounds, carefully place the steaming
tray with the wontons in the cooker. Close the lid
and let cook for the remaining 11 minutes.
Once the audible tone has sounded to indicate the
end of cooking, turn the unit off and open the lid.
Carefully remove wontons.
Serve warm with Ginger Dipping Sauce (recipe
Nutritional information per serving (based on 1 wonton):
Calories 31 (15% from fat) • carb. 6g • pro. 1g
• fat 1g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 1mg • sod. 62mg
• calc. 6mg • fiber 0g
Makes about ¼ cup
¼ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
½ tablespoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon minced ginger
¼ teaspoon sesame oil
pinch crushed red pepper
Place all ingredients in a bowl and stir to mix.
Serve with steamed vegetable wontons.
Nutritional information per serving (based on 1 teaspoon):
Calories 5 (23% from fat) • carb. 0g • pro. 0g
• fat 0g • sat. fat 0g • chol. 0mg • sod. 202mg
• calc. 0mg • fiber 0g

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