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when chopping, mixing or kneading a thick or
heavy mixture in successive batches, the motor
may overheat. If this happens, the processor will
stop. Turn it off and wait for the motor to cool
before proceeding. It will usually cool within 10
minutes. In extreme cases, it could take an hour.
Safety switches prevent the machine from
operating when the work bowl or the cover is
not locked into position. The motor stops within
seconds when the motor is turned off, and when
the pusher assembly is removed, a fast-stop
circuit also enables the motor to stop within
Cuisinart offers a Limited Three-Year Warranty
on the entire machine.
Food Processing
1. Problem: The food is unevenly processed
The ingredients should be cut evenly
into ½- to 1-inch pieces before
Process in batches to avoid
2. Problem: Slices are uneven or slanted
Place evenly cut food into the feed tube.
Apply even pressure on the pusher.
3. Problem: Food falls over in feed tube
Large feed tube must be packed full
for best results. If processing smaller
quantities, use the small feed tube.
4. Problem: Some food remains on top
of the disc.
It is normal for small pieces to remain;
cut remaining bits by hand and add to
processed ingredients.
Dough Processing
1. Problem: The dough control button does
not work.
The dough control works in conjunction
with the ON button. The food processor
will only operate once the ON is selected
after the dough function is activated.
2. Problem: Motor slows down.
Amount of dough may exceed maximum
capacity of your food processor. Remove
half and process in two batches.
Dough may be too wet (see number 10).
If motor speeds up, continue processing.
If not, add more flour, 1 tablespoon at a
time until the motor speeds up. Process
until dough cleans the side of the work
3. Problem: Blade doesn’t incorporate
Always start the food processor before
adding liquid. Add liquid in a slow, steady
stream, allowing the dry ingredients to
absorb it. If too much liquid is added,
wait until ingredients in the work bowl
have mixed, then add remaining liquid
slowly (do not turn off the machine). Pour
liquid onto dough as it passes under feed
tube opening; do not pour liquid directly
onto bottom of the work bowl.
4. Problem: Blade rises in work bowl
Excessively sticky dough can cause blade
to rise. Reinsert blade and immediately
add 2 tablespoons of flour through the
feed tube while the machine is running.
5. Problem: The large pusher moves when
processing dough or other heavy loads.
The pusher lock feature, located above
the handle, should be pulled out (some
vibration is normal).
6. Problem: Dough doesn’t clean inside of
the work bowl.
Amount of dough may exceed maximum
capacity of your food processor. Remove
half and process in two batches.
Dough may be too dry (see number 9).
Dough may be too wet (see number 10).
7. Problem: Nub of dough forms on top of
blade and does not become uniformly
Stop machine, carefully remove dough,
divide it into 3 pieces and redistribute
them evenly in the work bowl.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cuisinart FP-14

Cuisinart FP-14 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Italiano, Espanõl - 53 pagina's

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