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1. Temperature Dial
Select desired temperature for the
baking, broiling, convection bake or
Function Dial
Select cooking method Toast, Bake,
Broil, Convection Bake or Rotisserie.
Toast Shade Dial
Select the desired toast shade light,
medium or dark.
Toasting Start Button
Push button to start toasting.
Toasting Stop Button
Push button to stop toasting in mid-
cycle and shut off oven.
Oven On Indicator
Indicator light will remain lit when
oven is in use.
Oven Racks (only one is shown)
There are two oven racks and two
different levels for each rack.
Select the best position for the food
in relation to the heating element.
The top rack has a 50% stop feature
so the rack stops halfway out of the
oven. It can be removed by lifting the
front of the rack and sliding it out.
Rotisserie Skewers and
Rotisserie Fork
The rotisserie skewers are used to
secure the food and to place the food
into position in the oven to rotate
freely for the rotisserie function.
Rotisserie Sockets
(not shown)
The rotisserie sockets are located on
the left and right wall in the center of
the oven and hold the skewers.
Rotisserie Lift Handle
Makes removing the hot rotisserie
skewers and cooked food safe and
easy. Slips into skewer to remove it
from sockets and lift it out of oven.
Slide-out Crumb Tray (not shown)
Slides out from back of the brick
oven for easy cleaning.
Cord Storage (not shown)
Takes up excess cord and keeps
countertop neat.
Easy-Clean Interior (not shown)
To clean the bricks lining the sides of
the oven, use a clean, damp cloth.
Over time the stone will darken,
which is part of its natural seasoning
process. It will not affect cooking
performance nor taste of food. Where
there are no bricks, the walls are
coated with a nonstick interior.
Baking Tray/Drip Tray with
Broiling Pan
A baking tray/drip tray is included for
your convenience. A broiling pan is
also included for use when broiling.
The broiling pan has two positions
to accommodate a variety of meats,
poultry and fish (see Oven Rack
Positions, page 5).
Baking Stone
To achieve best results when baking
bread, pizza and pie crusts, a baking
stone is included. The stone absorbs
excess moisture and distributes heat
brk300_ib(0.0).indd 4 4/26/07 9:44:59 AM

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