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In a heat-proof bowl over a pot of simmering
water, melt the chocolate and butter. Keep
warm; reserve.
In a large bowl, mix the egg yolks and ¾
cup of sugar, using a Cuisinart
Hand Mixer
fitted with the whisk attachment, until pale
and thickened. Whisk in the cooled chocolate
mixture. Reserve.
Wash and dry the whisk attachment well and
whip all of the egg whites, water and salt
until foamy, about 1 to 2 minutes. Slowly
add the remaining sugar and whip to a
medium-stiff peak, about 3 to 4 minutes.
Stir a very small amount of the egg whites
into the chocolate/yolk mixture. Gently fold
¾ of the whites into the lightened chocolate/
yolk mixture using a large rubber spatula until
the ingredients are incorporated. Sift in the
flour and gently fold into mixture. Gently fold
in the remaining whites.
Pour into prepared pan and bake in the
preheated oven for 35 to 45 minutes until
cake has puffed and appears dry, but still
soft to the touch.
Turn cake out onto serving plate and remove
pan and parchment. Top with whipped
cream and strawberries, if desired. Serve
Nutritional information per serving
(based on 16 servings):
Calories 194 (43% from fat) • carb. 25g • pro. 5g
• fat 10g sat. fat 5g chol. 123mg sod. 43mg
• calc. 23mg fiber 1g
Mascarpone Lemon
A twist on a classic, these lemon squares
will disappear fast!
Makes 16 servings
½ cup pine nuts, toasted
cups unbleached, all-purpose flour,
cup confectioners’ sugar, plus more
for finishing
1 teaspoon salt, divided
2 teaspoons lemon zest, divided
(1 lemon)
4 large eggs
¾ cup granulated sugar
½ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
(about 3 medium lemons)
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ cup mascarpone, room temperature
Preheat Cuisinart
Brick Oven to 350°F on
the bake setting with a rack in position A.
Coat a 9-inch square baking dish with non-
stick cooking spray; line with 2 pieces of
parchment, leaving a 1 to 2-inch overhang
on each side. Reserve. Lower temperature to
Pulse pine nuts in a Cuisinart
Processor fitted with the metal chopping
blade until ground. Add 1 cup flour,
confectioners’ sugar, ½ teaspoon salt and
1 teaspoon zest. Pulse until mixture
resembles coarse crumbs. Press into
prepared baking dish. Bake in preheated
oven for about 20 minutes, or until lightly
browned. Remove and reserve. Lower
temperature to 300ºF.
In a medium bowl, beat eggs with a
Hand Mixer until lightened, about
30 seconds. Add the sugar and beat until
light and thickened, another 30 seconds
to 1 minute. Add lemon juice, vanilla and
remaining zest and mix to incorporate. Add
baking powder, remaining salt, and remaining
¼ cup of flour and mix to incorporate. Gently
beat in the mascarpone. Pour on top of
prepared crust. Bake at 30for 25 to 30
minutes, or until set.
Dust with confectionerssugar before cutting
into squares and serving.
Nutritional information per serving:
Calories 178 (49% from fat) • carb. 19g • pro. 4g
• fat 10g sat. fat 4g chol. 70mg sod. 182mg
• calc. 29mg fiber 0g
brk300_recipe(0.0).indd 21 4/26/07 9:46:37 AM

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