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1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection
button. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
Fresh Cream
Sweet Potato
Steamed Blue
Steamed Fish
Steamed Pumpkin
Steamed Chestnut
Bean Curd
Steamed Dumpling
vegetables, and
shredded meat)
Boiled egg
Steamed egg
Rice cake
(spicy and sweet
rice cake)
Rice pizza
Shrimp ketchup
fried rice
Flour (weak flour) 1cup, egg 4EA, 1 tablespoon of butter,
1tablespoon of milk, some vanilla perfume, 3/4 cup of
sugar and some salt
Whipped cream : 200cc of cream, 1/4cup of sugar
Fruits : Cherry 2EA, strawberry 5EA,
1/4 can of tangerine and kiwi 1EA
Sweet potato 5EA
When sweet potato is large (more than 150g),
cut it into two pieces.
3 cups of glutinous rice, 60g of raisin, 15 chestnuts,
10 dates, 1tablespoonful of pine nut, 100g black
sugar, 1 tablespoonful of thick soy, 3 tablespoonful
of sesame oil, a little bit of salt, 1/2 tablespoonful of
cinnamon powder
2 squid fish, 140g of spinach, 150g of carrot, 2 egg,
a little bit of salt, a little bit of sesame oil, a little bit of
wheat powder
Seasoning Sauces: 2 tablespoonful of red pepper
paste, 2 tablespoonful of soy sauce, 1
tablespoonful of sugar, 1 tablespoonful of refined
rice wine, 1 refined rice wine, 1 teaspoonful of
sesame oil, 1 teaspoonful of red pepper powder
Beef (for steak) 500g, some steak sauce, some salt
and some ground pepper
Blue crab 2EA, beef 150g, tofu 1/2 block, red/green
pepper each 1/2EA, yolk 1/2EA and some flour
Snapper 1EA, beef 50g, shiitake 3EA, stone mushroom
2EA, red pepper 1EA, egg1EA, some scallion, some
garlic, some soy sauce, some ground sesame mixed
with salt, some cooking oil, some sesame oil, some salt
and some ground pepper
2 pieces of eggplants
Seasoning Sauces: 2 tablespoonful of thick soy,
1 red pepper, 1 green chilli, 1/2 tablespoonful of red
pepper powder, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, a little bit
of ground sesame mixed with salt, 1/2 pieces of Welsh
onion, 4 pieces of garlic, 2 teaspoonful of sugar
1 set of bean curd, a little bit of salt
Seasoning Sauces: 1 tablespoonful of red pepper
powder, 1 tablespoonful of minced garlic, a root of
Welsh onion, a little bit of sesame oil, a little bit of
ground sesame mixed with salt, a little bit of shredded
red pepper, 3 tablespoonful of thick soy
Cellophane 250g, paprika (green, red) each 1EA,
carrot 100g, onion 100g, some spinach, enoki
mushroom 100g, fishcake 100g and cooking oil 2
Chestnut 30EA
Dumplings 20EA
10 eggs, 4 cups of water, 1~2 drops of vinegar
3 eggs, 1.5 cups of water or kelp water, 1/2
teaspoon of salted shrimps, pinch of salt, 15g
of carrot, 15g of green onion
300g of rice cake bars (soft), 3 pieces of fish cake,
1/3 onion, 1/3 green onion, 60g of carrot
marinade : 3 tablespoons of red pepper paste,
1/5 tablespoon of starch syrup, 1.5 tablespoon of
sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of sesame salt, 1/2 teaspoon
of soy sauce, 1/3 of anchovy wate
Dough ingredients : 200g of rice
Topping ingredients : 4 slices of ham, 4 button
mushrooms, 4 tablespoons of canned corn, 2
stick of crabmeat, 80g of mozzarella cheese, 8
tablespoons of pizza sauce
15 medium size shrimps, 1/3 green onion, 30g of
onion, 30g of carrot
Ketchup sauce : 4 tablespoons of ketchup, 1.5
tablespoon of sugar, 1.5 tablespoon of starch
powder, 1 tablespoon of water, pinch of salt, soy
sauce, and pepper powder
100g of rice cake for tteokguk, 2 boiled egg, 1
sweet potato, 80g of mozzarella cheese, 2 slice of
cheddar cheese, little bit of olive oil, 1 cup of white
sauce, little bit of parsley powder
White sauce : Flour, 20g of butter, 200g of milk,
pinch of salt and white pepper (Melt butter, add
flour and stir it, add milk and boil it until it gets
thick, and apply salt and white pepper for
Set Time
Menu Mode
1. Pour 2 cups of water in the inner pot and place the steam plate.
Put the prepared ingredients on top of the plate.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection
button. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection
button. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for
more information.
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/
selection button. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo
button to save.
1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection button.
Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Put the egg, vinegar and water in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Mix egg and water or water in a bowl and add finely chopped carrots
and green onions.(chop pickled shrimp finely and add salt).
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Pour 2 cups of water in the inner pot and place the steam plate.
Put the prepared ingredients on top of the plate.
Please refer to our website (www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more
2. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/ selection
button. Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
4 clams, 30g of beef, egg white 1EA, egg 1EA, 2
teaspoonful of minced Welsh onion, 1 teaspoonful
of minced garlic, 1/2 teaspoonful of salt, a little bit
of pepper grounds

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Cuckoo CRP-P1009S Series Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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