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Ingredients Directions
Boiled Rice
Rice 6 cups
* The cupin ingredients means a measuring cup
in the rice cooker. 1 cup (180cc) is for one person.
1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot and pour water up to
the appropriate line depending on the quantity of food to be served.
Serving for 1: Rice porridge line marking 1,
Serving for 1.5 : Rice porridge line marking 1.5,
Serving for 2 : Rice porridge line marking 2
( * Note : Rice porridge cooks for maximum 2 servings)
Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press the
Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Put the prepared ingredients in the inner pot.
Please refer to our website
(www.cuckoo.co.kr) for more information.
Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
Brown rice 4 cups
Brown rice 1 cup, rice 2 cups and red beans
1/3 cup
2 cups of brown rice, 3g of green tea leaf, 10g
of green tea powder, 4 nuggets of chicken
chest flesh, a little bit of olive oil, a little bit of
salt, a little bit of pepper, 5g of celery, a little bit
of lime, a little bit of rosemary
Pine Nut Porridge
Abalone Porridge
White Porridge
Red Bean Porridge
Special Chicken
Rice 1 cup, pine nut 1/2cup and some salt
A cup of rice, 1 tablespoonful of sesame oil,
1 piece of abalone, a little bit of salt
Rice 1 cup
Rice 1 cup, 1/3 cups of red bean, 1 cups of
glutinous rice.
Rice 1cup, chicken 200g, chicken soup 600cc, green
pepper 1 unit, red pepper 1 unit and some salt
Seasoning : Chopped scallion 1 tablespoon,
crushed garlic 1 tablespoon, soy sauce 2
tablespoons, some ground sesame mixed with salt,
sesame oil 2 teaspoons and some ground pepper
Green Tea Rice
Blended with
Chicken Chest
2 cups of brown rice and some sprouts and
* Seasoning red pepper paste : Red pepper
paste 1/2cup, beef (crushed)40g, sesame
oil 1 tablespoon, honey 1 tablespoon and
sugar 1 tablespoon, 1/3 cup of water
(rice with sprout
and vegetables)
2 cups of brown rice, 20g of brown gravy sauce,
a little bit of salt, 2 sheets of sesame leaves, 1/3
pieces of pumpkin, a pack of shimeji mushroom
Mushroom may be chosen as preferred in the
Mushroom Tian
200g of butter, 90g of sugar, 3 eggs, 110g of
pancake powder, 70g of chocolate
5 cups of nonglutinous rice, 2 cups of adzuki
beans, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 5 tablespoonful
of sugar and 3 tablespoonful of water
Potato (less than 200g) 6EA
Corn 4EA
Pork (shank or pork belly) 400g, ginger 1EA,
some garlic, onion 1EA, scallion 1EA and
some kimchi
700g of pork, 2/3 cup of soy sauce, 3
tablespoonful of sugar, a little bit of silk yarn
Five flavors : 6 grains of black pepper, 7cm of
cinnamon, 4 pieces of star anise
Steamed Rib
Steamed Rice
Boiled Pork
Five-flavor Pork
Beef rib (port rib 1.2kg, sake 3 tablespoons, nicely
aged soy sauce 5tablespoons, crushed garlic 1
tablespoon, sesame oil 1 teaspoon, onion juice 3
tablespoons, pear juice 3 tablespoons, sugar
3tablespoons, chopped scallion 5tablespoons,
ground sesame mixed with salt 1 tablespoon,
ground pepper 1 teaspoon, carrot 1 unit, chestnut
10 units, ginkgo nut 20 units and ground pine nuts
1 tablespoon
1 chicken (1Kg), potato100g, carrot 100g, sugar
3 tablespoon, chopped scallion 1 teaspoon,
crushed garlic 1 teaspoon, nicely aged soy sauce
6 tablespoons, ginger juice 1teaspoon, ground
pepper 1/2teaspoon, ground sesame mixed with
salt 1 tablespoon and sesame oil 1 1/2
Pea Rice
Five-grain Rice
3 cups of rice, 1/2 cup of pea, 1 tablespoonful of
sake, 1 1/2 teaspoonful of salt.
Boil pea before cooking.
Rice 1.5cup, millet1/3cup, glutinous
rice1/2cup, red beans 1/3cup,
sorghum1/3cup and salt 1 teaspoon
Boiled Barley
2 cups of rice, a cup of barley
1. Drain the grains after washing.
2. Put clean rice with prepared ingredients with some salt and pour
water up to the line 3 for glutin and mixed rice.
3. Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button.
Press the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Wash and put brown rice and prepared ingredients into the inner
pot. Pour water up to the line 4 for GABA rice.
Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Wash and put brown rice and prepared ingredients into the inner
pot. Pour water up to the line 3 for GABA rice.
Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
1. Put clean-washed rice in the inner pot and pour water by water
gradation 6.
2. Firstly, lock the cover, and select the menu in the
menu/selection button, and then push the [Pressure
Cook/GlutinTurbo] button.
Boiled Brown
Rice with
Red Beans
Boiled Fresh
Brown Rice
1. Wash and put brown rice and prepared ingredients into the inner
pot. Pour water up to the line 2 for GABA rice.
Lock the lid and select the menu with the menu/selection button. Press
the Pressure Cook/Glutin Turbo button to save.
Butter chocolate

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