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Electrical Connection
Ground (GND)
This wire is the electrical ground and must be fastened securely to the vehicle's chassis. The best method is to use a threading sheet
metal screw since the threads cut into bare metal. Ensure that all paint or other insulation is removed from around the hole area, and
using self tapping screw, securely affix the bare wire ends to the vehicle chassis. Use as short a piece of cable as possible - use the
same gauge as was used for the +12V cable. Make sure that the connection is safe, a loose connection may result in amplifier noise
and fault condition.
Remote (REM)
Many radios or other music sources have an output terminal for connection of the remote turn-on of the power amplifier. If a radio
doesn't have a remote turn-on feature, then you can use the antenna relay wire, which activates the antenna motor. Please note, if the
power antenna retracts when the radio is operating, then you cannot use the antenna relay wire to operate the remote turn-on.
Battery Connection (+12V)
This wire is usually connected directly to the positive battery terminal. Ensure that the + power supply wire is fused via an assigned fuse
in line with the + power supply wire. Please use a sufficient gauge for the installed amplifiers (16-25 mm²).This connection must be
completed using spade plug with insulating sleeve.
The integrated amplifier fuses protect the units from short circuit and overload.
General Installation Notes
The amplifier is generally mounted in the rear trunk area but can be mounted in any convenient
area such as beneath a seat. Please be sure to locate this unit where you have reasonable
air circulation and protection from moisture. When considering the mounting location you
should minimize the length of the power and speaker leads. Minimizing both leads will
yield a more reliable installation. It is also important to ensure that the
heat sink fins are not against a panel or a surface, preventing air
circulation. Do not install the amplifier on a subwoofer box or on vibrating
parts of the vehicle, the vibrations can cause damage to the amplifier.
Installation of the amplifier
Mark the location for the mounting screw holes by using the amplifier as a
template. Drill holes at the marked locations and firmly fasten the amplifier in
place with the mounting screws supplied in the accessory kit.
Before drilling or cutting any holes, investigate the layout of your automobile
thoroughly: Take care when working near the gas lines or hydraulic lines and
electrical wiring.

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