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- This device is only suited for the operation in a vehicle.
- This device is only suited for a 12 volt system with negative ground.
- The radiated heat while operation requires sufficient air circulation at the place of installation. It is
very important that the heatsink fins do not have contact with any metal parts or any surfaces which
could impair air circulation. The amplifier may not be installed in small closed location or spaces
without air circulation (e.g. spare wheel recess or below the vehicle carpeting). We recommend the
installation in the vehicle’s trunk. Ensure sufficient protection against vibrations, dust and dirt.
- Ensure that the input and output cables are sufficiently separated from the power supply cables.
Otherwise interferences may occur.
- Ensure the accessibility of the fuse and the operating elements after installation.
- The reliability and performance of the amplifier depends on the quality of installation. Preferably
consult an expert to install the system, particularly if you want to install several loudspeakers.
ATTENTION: Before you start with the installation, disconnect the ground connection from the
vehicle’s battery in order to prevent short circuits.
The power wiring which is usually installed in on-board car networks is not sufficient for a power
amplifier's demands. Make sure that the power wires to GND and to the +12 V terminal has been
sufficiently specified. A cable crosssection of at least 16 mm
must be used to connect the battery to
the amplifier's terminals.
First connect the GND terminal of the amplifier to an appropriate ground connection at the chassis. To
ensure a good connection, residue dirt and dust from the connection point. A loose connection may
cause malfunctions or interferences noise and distortion.
Then connect the +12 V terminal of the amplifier with the battery by using an appropriate cable including
an in-line fuse. This fuse should be located very close to the battery; for safety reasons not more than
30 cm away. Only insert the fuse when the installation, including the connection of the loudspeakers,
has been accomplished.
Then connect the remote turn-on-wire from the headunit with the amplifier's REM terminal. A cable with
a cross-section of 0.5 mm
is adequate.
If your headunit is not eqquiped with a remote turn-on cable, please check the section ”AUTO TURN
ON” on the following page.
When installing the audio cables between the RCA outputs of the headunit and the RCA inputs of the
amplifier, the audio and power supply cables should, if possible, not be routed along the same side of
the vehicle. We recommend a separated installation, e.g. routing the power cable through the cable
channel on the left side and the audio cables through the cable channel on the right side or vice versa.
This prevents interferences due to crosstalk into the audio signal.

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