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Polarized Plug
Basic Operation
Turntable Operation
Unwind the AC Power Cord (30) at the back
of the unit and connect it to a power outlet.
2 Plug A/C cord into appropriate outlet.
3 This product is equipped with a polarized
alternating current line plug (a plug having one
blade wider than the other). This plug will fit into
the power outlet only one way. This is a safety
feature, If you are unable to insert the plug fully
into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug
should still fail to fit, contact you electrician to
replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the
purpose of the polarized plug.
Getting Started
1 Remove packing materials from unit.
Note: Save all packing materials.
2 Remove plastic bag covering radio.
3 Remove plastic safety cover from A/C plug.
4 Remove tie from A/C cord and untie antenna
wire on back of radio.
5 Open lid and remove styrofoam shipping
material from turntable.
6 Remove black tie-wrap from under the tone
7 Remove white protective needle cover by gently
pulling towards the front of the unit.
8 Untie the FM antenna and allow it to hang down
in a straight line for optimum FM reception. If
you have trouble tuning in an FM station, move
the external FM antenna for best reception. Do
no connect FM antenna to outside antenna.
Power Source
Accessory: ADAPTER FOR 45 RPM
This adapter allows you to play 45 RPM records.
1 Place the 45 RPM adapter over the spindle.
2 Gently place your 45 RPM record onto the
3 Follow the steps under turntable operation to
play your record.
1 Rotate the Function Switch (2) to Phono mode.
2 Set the Speed Control Switch (22) to the correct
speed (331/3, 45 or 78 rpm) for the selected
3 Use the Cue Lever (20) to raise the tone arm
off its rest. Move the tone arm over the record
and use the cue lever to lower it to the point
you want the record to start.
4 At the end of the record, the tone arm will return
to its rest.
Headphones Jack Operation
1 Connect headphones to the Headphone
Jack (6)
2 Adjust volume to the desired listening level.
NOTE: When using headphones, the sound to the unit
speakers will be cut off.
NOTE: Headphones not included.
Headphone Jack(6)

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