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FM radio and video functions are available on ZEN V Plus only.
In the process of Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) display manufacturing, there may be
instances of one or more pixels appearing in a dark or fixed color, or in an unchanging state.
In line with industry standards and based on the Creative screen manufacturer's technical
specifications, there may be occurrences of fixed spots and these occurrences are considered
acceptable if they do not impair display quality.
If, however, you notice fixed spots on your player's OLED display interfering with your use, contact
Customer Support Services. You can find Customer Support Services information in the Installation
and Applications CD. Go to
with the drive letter of your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive,
with the region that
you are in, and
with the language that your document is in)
Turning Your Player On and Off
1. To turn on your player, slide the Power switch towards the Power icon and hold it there until the
1. Power switch
Slide the Power switch towards the Power icon and hold it there to turn your player
on and off.
2. Lock Slide the Power switch to the Lock position to disable your player's controls.
3. Microphone Make instant recordings with this built-in microphone.
4. LINE IN jack
Connect external stereo sources, such as cassette players, CD players and
MiniDisc players, to this jack.
5. Headphone jack Connect your player's earphones to this jack.
6. USB 2.0 port
To charge your player's battery or transfer files, connect one end of the supplied
USB cable to this port, and the other end of the USB cable to your computer's USB
To charge your player without using the computer, purchase the ZEN Power
Adapter. For more information on this and other ZEN V Series accessories, visit
Volume Increase
Press to increase the volume.
Volume Decrease
Press to decrease the volume.
9. Record button Starts or stops a voice, or line-in recording.
10. Play/Pause button Starts, pauses and resumes playback.
11. Back/Options button
Press and hold this button to display the Options menu.
When scrolling through menu items, press this button to return to the previous
5-way Navigation
Push this joystick left or right to go to the previous or next track.
Push this joystick up or down to scroll to an item.
Press to select menu items.
Push and hold this joystick right or left to move forward or backward
within a track.
For more information, see Using the 5-Way Navigation Joystick.
13. Reset button Use a pin to press this button if the player does not respond.
How to use this manual
file://C:\Documents and Settings\San\Local Settings\Temp\~hh9123.htm

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