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PC Music Library is your collection of digital audio tracks in Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer. In
Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer, you can have more than one PC Music Library. When sharing
the same computer, multiple users can each have their own music library, each with its own settings.
However, only one music library can be active at one time.
Can PC Music Library be automatically updated?
Yes. You can use the Media Sniffer tool in Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer to monitor or 'watch'
folders in your computer. With Media Sniffer enabled, PC Music Library is updated when tracks in
monitored folders are added, deleted or moved. This helps to prevent broken links in PC Music Library.
For more information about using Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer, refer to its online help.
Where can I get more information on Creative products?
See www.creative.com and select your region or country for updates and downloads relating to all
Creative products.
Safety Information
Refer to the following information to use your player safely, and to reduce the chance of electric shock,
short-circuiting, damage, fire, hearing impairment or other hazards.
Improper handling may void the warranty of your player. For more information, read the Warranty
available with your product.
Do not dismantle or attempt to repair your player, battery or power adapter.
Refer all servicing to Creative or authorized repair agents.
Do not expose your player or battery to temperatures outside the range of 0°C to 45°C (32°F
to 113°F).
Do not pierce, crush or set fire to your player or battery.
Keep your player or battery away from strong magnetic objects.
Do not subject your player to excessive force or impact.
Do not expose your player or battery to water or moisture.
If your player is moisture-resistant (see product packaging for details), take care not to
immerse your player in water or expose it to rain.
Do not listen to audio at high volume for prolonged periods of time.
Do not attempt to remove the embedded battery. The player must be disposed of according
to local environmental regulations. To replace the battery, return your player to your regional
support office. For product service information, go to www.creative.com.
When a conductive apparatus such as earphones, is used in close proximity with a CRT
television or CRT monitor, the latter may emit an electrostatic discharge. This electrostatic
discharge can be felt as a static shock. While this static shock is usually harmless, it is good
practice to avoid close contact with CRT devices when using earphones.
General Specifications
Size (WxHxD)
43.5 mm (1 7/10") x 67.5 mm (2 7/10") x 15.9 mm (3/5")
Weight (approximate)
43.5 g (1 1/2 ounce) with battery
Power Source
Battery: 1 x Rechargeable Lithium Ion battery
USB bus powered when connected to a power outlet or powered USB port on a computer
Playback Formats
Audio playback formats: MP3 (Up to 320 kbps), WMA (Up to 320 kbps), WMA with Digital Rights
Management (DRM) 9 or later, WAV (PCM and IMA ADPCM)
Picture format: JPEG
Supports transcoded video format (for ZEN V Plus only)
How to use this manual
file://C:\Documents and Settings\San\Local Settings\Temp\~hh9123.htm

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