• Is de MP3 speler met Creative ZEN compatible met Windows 10?

    Gesteld op 5-1-2017 om 12:49 in forum Creative ZEN Misbruik melden
    • ik heb inmiddels antwoord ontvangen. Het lijkt erop dat installatie op een Windows 10 apparaat niet kan. Zie het hieronder geplakte antwoord:

      Creative Support (Creative Labs Pte Ltd.)
      Feb 28, 18:34 SGT
      Dear Marjan,

      Thank you for contacting Creative.

      Regarding your enquiry, we would like to inform you that the Zen Style MP3 player is a product classified as End of Service Life.

      Creative focuses new driver and application development on current products. As such, driver and application updates will be limited to those releases that were available from our web site at the time a product was classified as reaching its End of Service Life.

      You can check the Zen Style mp3 player in our support site, support.creative.com to verify for what operating systems are drivers available.

      If you have any other enquiries, do send us an email via Klik op deze LINK .

      In our commitment to provide continuous improvement in Creative products / services, please help us to complete a 3 minute Customer Satisfaction Survey.

      Creative Labs Pte Ltd
      Worldwide Customer Response
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      Thank you.

      Marjan Fortuin
      Feb 27, 22:26 SGT
      Customer Enquiry
      how to install a zen style mp3 player on a windows 10 laptop?

      This email is a service from Creative Labs Pte Ltd..
      Geantwoord op 28-2-2017 om 14:53

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