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Only connect the device to an electrical socket, which has been properly installed
and complies with the data on the speci cation plate of the device. The socket
must also be easily accessible after the device has been connected.
The device must be off when you pull out the mains plug or connect it with a
In the event of a storm, pull the mains plug out of the socket.
If you wish to pull the mains plug out of the socket, never pull on the cable, but
always on the plug. Only take hold of the mains plug when your hands are dry.
Do not use any extension cords.
Caution when using the device
The lters must be completely dry after washing before you put them back in the
Only use the device if it has been properly assembled and the mains cord has been
completely unwound. The tanks for fresh and dirty water and both lters (exhaust
lter and protective motor lter) must be installed.
For your own safety, always check the device for damages prior to using it. In the
event of defects, the device may not be used until repaired by a professional.
If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced at a quali ed workshop to avoid
Always make sure that there is no risk of the device tipping over. The water could
leak out of the water tanks.
Connected cords may not pose a tripping hazard.
Make sure that there is no risk of the device rolling over the mains cord.
Do not insert anything in the device’s openings and make sure that they are not
plugged so that air circulation is not impaired.
Never leave the device on when unattended.
Turn the device off and pull the mains plug if you stop work and after you nish
using the device.
Always turn off the device before you pull out the mains plug.
Place the device on a cloth after use so that water left in the nozzles can drain
when the device is off.
Caution in the event of malfunctions
Do not insert any objects into the device. There is a risk of contact with current-
carrying parts.
Do not use any sharp or pointy objects to remove debris from the device. They
could damage the device.
Damage to property and the device
Never place heavy objects on the device.
Protect the device against heat, open ames, direct sunlight, and percussions. Make
sure there is no risk of the device falling down.
Only use original spare parts provided by the manufacturer.
Only ll the fresh water tank with commercially-available carpet cleaners for carpet

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