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Safety instructions
Proper use
The device serves to remove small amounts of dirt from carpets and to refresh
carpets. It is not a substitute for a conventional vacuum cleaner. It is necessary to
thoroughly clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner before using the device.
Only use the device on oors and not on sofas, car seats or the like.
Do not in any case vacuum up the following things:
smouldering ashes, cigarette butts, matches etc.
ammable or ignitable materials
• very ne dust (e. g. cement dust), toner or sand
pointy, hard objects such as glass splinters
The device is conceived for private use, not for commercial use.
Only use the device as described in these instructions. Any other use is deemed
Hazard for children
Store the device out of the reach of children! Improper use may result in injury and
electrical shock.
Keep children and pets away from the packaging. There is a danger of suffocation!
This device is not designed to be used by persons (including children) with impaired
physical, sensory or mental abilities or those lacking experience and/or knowledge
unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or received
instructions on how to use the device from them.
Children must be under supervision to ensure that they do not play with the
Keep small children away from the device when it is in use.
Risk of electrical shock
Never immerse the device in water or other liquids. Otherwise there is a risk of
electrical shocks.
Do not touch the device with wet hands. Do not use the device outdoors or in
rooms with a high humidity.
Only use the device in dry, indoor spaces.
In the event of damages/malfunctions, immediately disconnect the device from the
electrical line.
ATTENTION: Serious risk to life and limb due to electrical shock! Never at-
tempt to repair an electrical appliance yourself, rather locate the nearest customer
service centre/quali ed professional for your own safety. This also applies to the
power cord. In the event of damage, contact the customer service (see chapter
“Customer service”).
Do not use the device if the cable or plug is damaged or if the device is otherwise
Never carry or pull the device by the power cord, always handle the power cord
with care. Avoid catching the cord on doors and pulling it across sharp edges or
corners. Keep the cable away from hot surfaces.

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