Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Introduction ...................................... 1
About the manuals ........................... 2
Proper use of the CatEye CC-TR100
...................................................... 4
Description of computer and its parts
...................................................... 5
Screen display .................................. 6
Installing the unit on your bicycle ..... 8
Main unit set-up ............................... 11
1. Pull out insulation sheet ............ 11
2. Formatting / restarting operations
...................................................... 11
3. Checking heart rate sensor ID ... 12
4. Selecting speed unit .................. 12
5. Tire circumference input ............ 13
6. Operation test ............................ 13
Heart rate function ............................ 14
Before wearing the heart rate sensor
...................................................... 14
Wearing the heart rate sensor ....... 14
Heart rate sensor test .................... 15
Basic operations ............................... 16
Main computer functions .............. 16
Starting/stopping main measurement
...................................................... 16
Switching displayed data ............... 17
Lap ................................................ 18
Backlight ........................................ 18
Second measuremet ...................... 18
Resetting operation ....................... 19
Power-saving function ................... 19
Measured data .................................. 20
Display-1 and 4 ............................. 20
Display-2 and 3 ............................. 21
Display-5 ....................................... 22
Lap screen display ......................... 23
Functions of main unit ...................... 24
Heart rate zone/Cadence zone ....... 24
Auto-mode (auto-start / stop) ....... 25
Pace functions ............................... 25
Lap function .................................. 26
Data storage function .................... 27
Configuring main unit ....................... 28
Wheel selection ...................... 28 / 29
Tire circumference input ......... 28 / 29
Auto-mode ............................. 28 / 30
Sound ..................................... 28 / 30
Date ........................................ 28 / 31
Setting clock ........................... 28 / 31
Manual odometer input .......... 28 / 32
Speed unit .............................. 28 / 32
Defining remote button setting
............................................... 28 / 33
Cadence zone ......................... 28 / 34
Heart rate zone ....................... 28 / 36
Haert rate sensor ID ............... 28 / 38
Data file .................................. 28 / 39
Data storage ........................... 28 / 41
PC Link ................................... 28 / 42
Torque .................................... 28 / 43
Power select ........................... 28 / 43
Heart rate training ............................. 44
Trouble shooting .............................. 46
Replacing battery ............................. 48
Main Unit ....................................... 48
Heart rate sensor ........................... 48
Maintenance ..................................... 48
Spare accessories ............................ 49
Specifications ................................... 50
Registration ...................................... 51
Registration card .............................. 51
Limited warranty .............................. 52
Tire circumference reference table ... 53
Please register your TR100 to validate the warranty.
Refer to page 51, and make user registration.
About the manuals
You can find the desired operating method or function description from the following three
Basic installation and operation See page 8 -19.
Please go here for installation of the unit on the bicycle, setup of the main unit, mounting
of the heart rate sensor, and the basic operation of the product.
Complete description of computer functions See page 20 - 27.
Please go here to learn how to operate the computer functions.
How to change and customize settings See page 28 - 43.
Please go here to change and customize the settings on your computer.
Using the device in special ways
Gathering secondary trip data ............................ Second measurement(See page 18.)
Recording lap and split time data ..................................... Lap function(See page 26.)
Training with target heart rate and cadence
............................................................. Heart rate zone/Cadence zone (See page 24.)
Downloading recorded data to a personal computer
......................................................................... Data storage function (See page 27.)
See the table of contents on the next page for more specific information. Be sure to note that
some functions described can only be used with optional parts; each optional part will come
with its own operating instructions.
The meaning of icons in this manual:
Warning!!! Sections marked with these icons are critical for safe use of the device.
Be sure to follow these instructions.
CAUTION ! Important cautionary notes on the use and operation of the TR100.
NOTE Helpful tips are highlighted this way.

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