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PC download kit 169-9210
Including: e-Train Data Data
(Windows 98/ME/2000/XP compatible)
Power unit 169-9220
Including: e-Train Data Data
(Windows 98/ME/2000/XP compatible)
Standard accessories
Parts kit 169-9150
Bracket kit 169-9153
SPD/CDC sensor 169-9156
Remote button kit 169-9205
Heart beat sensor kit 169-9271
HR Strap 169-9274
Wheel magnet 169-9691
Cadence magnet 169-9765
Lithium battery (CR2450)
Lithium battery (CR2032)
Spare accessories
Optional accessories
Neck strap 169-9277
Magnet for composite wheel
Hi-Power Whell Magnet 169-9690
Replacing battery
Safely dispose of the old batteries, and do not place them within reach of children. If a
battery is swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.
The product comes with factory installed batteries. When a battery is empty replace it
with a new one according to the following instructions:
Main unit
Battery life: Approx. 3 months (if used for 1 hour a day)
* The battery life shown in this manual is not definitive and it varies depending on the use
Replace the old batteries with new lithium batteries (CR2450).Place two batteries with the +
sign up, as shown in the illustration, and firmly close the battery cover.
NOTE: After replacement, be sure to perform the restarting operation (page 11), check the HR
sensor ID (page 31), and set the date and time (page 31).
Heart rate sensor
Battery life: Approx. 6 months when worn for 1 hour per day.
Using a coin or similar object, turn and remove the battery cover on the surface of the heart
rate sensor transmitter. Replace used battery with a new lithium battery (CR2032). Place bat-
tery with the + sign upwards as shown in the illustration, and firmly close the battery cover.
NOTE: The heart rate sensor consumes power when worn. Remove the heart rate sensor
whenever measurement is not required.
When replacing the batteries in the sensor it is critical to correctly seat the O-ring
seal. Failure to do so may result in water leakage and sensor malfuncition.
After replacement, be sure to check the HR sensor ID again (page 38).
CR2450 x 2
CR2032 x 1
Daily care of the TR100
When the main unit, HR sensor, and speed sensor are dirty, wash them with water or wipe them with a soft cloth
dampened with diluted neutral detergent, then wipe with a dry cloth. Do not use solvents such as paint thinner or
rubbing alcohol as they may damage the surfaces.
The fastening belt absorbs sweat easily, and leaving it as such is unsanitary. Wash with a neutral detergent.
Regularly check that the positions of the magnets and sensors are correct.

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