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Power Requirements: AAA-size battery R03 (UM-4) s 1
Approximate Battery Life: 17,000 hours (continuous display of flashing
Power Consumption: 0.0002 W
Operating Temperature: 0°C to 40°C
Dimensions: 13.8 (H) s80 (W) s162 (D) mm
Approximate Weight: 100 g including the battery
Frequently Asked Questions
I How can I perform input and display results the same way I did on a
model that does not have Natural Textbook Display?
Perform the following key operation: (SETUP)(LineIO). See
“Configuring the Calculator Setup” on page E-5 for more information.
I How can I change a fraction form result to decimal form?
How can I change a fraction form result produced by a division
operation to decimal form?
See “Toggling Calculation Results” on page E-9 for the procedure.
I What is the difference between Ans memory, independent memory,
and variable memory?
Each of these types of memory acts like “containers” for temporary storage
of a single value.
Ans Memory: Stores the result of the last calculation performed. Use this
memory to carry the result of one calculation on to the next.
Independent Memory: Use this memory to totalize the results of multiple
Variables: This memory is helpful when you need to uses the same value
multiple times in one or more calculations.
I What is the key operation to take me from the STAT Mode or TABLE
Mode to a mode where I can perform arithmetic calculations?
Press (COMP).
I How can I return the calculator to its initial default settings?
Perform the following operation: (CLR)(Setup)(Yes)
I When I execute a function calculation, why do I get a calculation result
that is completely different from older CASIO calculator models?
With a Natural Textbook Display model, the argument of a function that
uses parentheses must be followed by a closing parenthesis. Failing to
press after the argument to close the parentheses may cause unwanted
values or expressions to be included as part of the argument.
Example: (sin 30) + 15 B
Older (S-VPAM) Model: Q 30 15
Natural Textbook Display Model: 1 Q 30  15 15.5
Failure to press here as shown below will result in calculation of sin 45.
Q 30 15 0.7071067812

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Andere handleiding(en) van Casio FX-92B

Casio FX-92B Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 34 pagina's

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