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Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.
The built-in sensors of this watch measure direction, barometric pressure, temperature and altitude.
Measured values are then shown on the display. Such features make this watch useful when hiking,
mountain climbing, or when engaging in other such outdoor activities.
Warning !
The measurement functions built into this watch are not intended for taking measurements that
require professional or industrial precision. Values produced by this watch should be considered
as reasonable representations only.
When engaging in mountain climbing or other activities in which losing your way can create a
dangerous or life-threatening situation, always use a second compass to confi rm direction readings.
Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss
suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of this product or its malfunction.
E E-1
The watch’s Altimeter Mode calculates and displays relative altitude based on barometric pressure
readings produced by its pressure sensor. This means that readings taken at different times at the
same location may produce different altitude values due to changes in barometric pressure. Also note
that the value displayed by the watch may be different from the actual elevation and/or sea level
elevation indicated for the area where you are located.
When using the watch’s altimeter while mountain climbing, be sure to perform regular calibration in
accordance with the local altitude (elevation) indications. For more information, see “To specify a
reference altitude value” (page E-57).
Whenever you use the digital compass of this watch for serious trekking, mountain climbing, or other
activities, be sure always to take along another compass to confi rm readings. If the readings produced
by the digital compass of this watch are different from those of the other compass, perform bidirectional
calibration of the digital compass to ensure more accurate readings.
Direction readings and digital compass calibration will not be possible if the watch is in the vicinity of a
permanent magnet (magnetic accessory, etc.), metal objects, high-voltage wires, aerial wires, or
electrical household appliances (TV, computer, cellphone, etc.)
About This Manual
Depending on the model of your watch, digital display text appears
either as dark fi gures on a light background, or light fi gures on a dark
background. All examples in this manual are shown using dark fi gures
on a light background.
Button operations are indicated using the letters shown in the
Note that the product illustrations in this manual are intended for
reference only, and so the actual product may appear somewhat
different than depicted by an illustration.
Mode Hand
Second Hand
Minute HandHour Hand
Mode Hand
Second Hand
Minute HandHour Hand
Using the Crown
This watch has a lock-type crown.
You should keep the crown locked during normal daily use. Leaving the crown unlocked creates the
risk of unintended operations or even damage due to impact.
To lock the crown
1. Push the crown back in (see “To pull out, rotate, or push the crown in”
Note that attempting to lock the crown when it is not pushed in can
cause unexpected watch operation.
2. Rotate the crown so Mark 3 is aligned with Mark 1.
3. While pushing in on the crown (a), rotate it to the right (b) until it stops,
and align Mark 3 with Mark 2.
Mark 1
Mark 3
Mark 2
Mark 1
Mark 3
Mark 2
4. Gently pull on the crown to make sure it is securely locked and does not come out.
To unlock the crown
Rotate the crown so Mark 3 aligns with Mark 1.
To pull out, rotate, or push the crown in
Before performing any of these operations, fi rst unlock the crown.
The illustrations below show the different crown operations.
Pull out Rotate Push in
High-speed Movement
You can use either of the crown operations described below to move watch hands or indicators at high
HS1: Can be used to move both hands and display indicators.
HS2: Can be used when setting the hour and minute manually to move the hands at high speed.
To start HS1 high-speed movement
While the crown is pulled out, rotate it rapidly three turns away from you (for
forward movement) or towards you (for reverse movement). High-speed
movement will continue even if you release the crown.
To start HS2 high-speed movement
While HS1 high-speed movement is in progress, again rotate the crown rapidly
three turns in the same direction as the current HS1 movement (away from you
for forward movement or towards you for reverse movement).
To stop high-speed movement
Rotate the crown in the direction that is opposite that of the current high-speed
movement or press any button.
If you do not perform any operation for more than two minutes after pulling out the crown, the indicator
shown below will appear and crown operations will become disabled. If this happens, push the crown
back in and then pull it out again to re-enable crown operations.
Pulling out the crown while the watch is in a mode that does not allow confi guration of any settings will
cause the indicator shown below to appear. If this happens, push the crown back in and lock it.
The indicator shown below also appears when performing hand home position adjustment. See “Hand
Home Position Adjustment” (page E-39) for more information.
1 second
You can use high-speed movement in the following cases: when changing the time and/or date setting
in the Timekeeping Mode, World Time Mode, Countdown Timer Mode, or Alarm Mode, or when
performing magnetic declination angle calibration, altitude calibration, barometric pressure calibration,
or temperature calibration operations.
Things to check before using the watch
1. Check the battery power level.
Hold down
for at least two seconds to enter the Timekeeping Mode and display the battery power
The battery power level will be indicated as
on the left
side of the digital display.
Go to step 2.
Power is low. Charge the watch by placing it in a location
where it is exposed to light. For details, see “Charging the
Watch” (page E-13).
Does any one of the following conditions exist?
flashing on the digital display.
” is flashing on the display.
The watch is charged
For details about
charging, see
“Charging the Watch”
(page E-13).
Battery power
is fl ashing, the second hand will jump at two-second intervals.
is fl ashing, all hands will move to and stop at 12 o’clock.
Operation Guide 5365

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Casio 5365 - PRW-6000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 15 pagina's

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