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Protection from over-heating
A sensor monitors the temperature in the cooking
zones. When the temperature exceeds a safe
level, the cooking zone is automatically switched
Detection of small or non-magnetic items
When a pan with a diameter of less than 80mm,or
some other small item(e.g.knife,fork,key) or a non-
magnetic pan( e.g. aluminium) has been left on
the hob, a buzzer sounds for approximately one
minute,after which the hob goes automatically on
to standby.
Residual heat warning
When the hob has been operating for some time,
there will be some residual heat. The letter “H”
appears to warn you to keep away from it.
Auto shutdown
Another safety feature of the induction hob is auto
shutdown. This occurs whenever you forget to
switch off a cooking zone. The default shutdown
times are shown in the table below:
Power level
The heating zone shut down
automatically after
8 hours
4 hours
2 hours
When the pan is removed from the cooking
zone, it stops heating immediately and switches
itself off after the buzzer has sounded for one
Warning: Anyone who has been fitted with a
heart pacemaker should consult a doctor before
using the induction hotplate.
1. Cut a hole in the worktop of the dimension
shown in the diagram below. A minimum of
50 mm space should be left around the hole.
The worktop should be at least 30 mm thick
and made of heat-resistant material.
As shown in Figure (1)
NB: For safety, the gap between the hob and
any cupboard above it should be at least 760
This hob was specially designed for domestic
In its constant search to improve its products,
CANDY reserves the right to modify any
technical, programme or aesthetic aspects of
the appliance at any time.
2. It is essential that the induction hob is well
ventilated and that the air intake and exit are
not blocked.
Make sure the hob is correctly installed as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure (2)
Figure (2)
mini 5 cm
mini 5 mm
mini 2 cm
Air intake
Air exit
F_]kh[ .6/

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