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M) N.B!
If the appliance is installed on a carpeted floor ensure that the ventilation holes on the
base of the appliance are not obstructed.
N) If the appliance is not running properly or breaks down, switch it off, turn off the tap and do
not tamper with the appliance.
Consult only the Authorised Technical Support Service for possible repair and ask them to
use original spare parts.
Failure to comply with the above can compromise the safety of the appliance.
O) If the appliance’s power cable should ever need replacing, consult the Authorised
Technical Support Service
Quick start
- Open the door by using the handle “A” (Fig. 1, page 6)
- Select laundry and put it in the machine
- Close the door
- Put detergent in the compartments as indicated in the programme guide in this instruction
- Select programme
- Wait for the “STOP” indicator light to flash
Press additional function buttons (if required)
- Press the “Start/Pause” button (page 7)
- After few seconds the appliance starts working.
After washing
- The indicator light “STOP” will go on.
- Wait for the door lock to be released
(about 2 minutes after the programme has finished).
The “Door Security” indicator light will go out.
- Switch off the washing machine by turning the
selector to “OFF” position.
- Open the door and remove the laundry.
Ensure that the machine is correctly installed in line with the instructions found on page 27.
General delivery notes
Please check that the following items are delivered with the appliance:
- Instruction manual
- Certificate of guarantee
- Inlet hose
- Liquid detergent or liquid bleach compartment
Check that no damage has occurred during transit, and if so, call your nearest Authorised
Technical Support Service agent.
Safety notes.
for cleaning or maintenance of the washing machine.
A) Pull out the plug
B) Turn off the tap
C) Candy equips all its appliances with earthing. Ensure that the mains supply is earthed,
and if it is not, seek assistance from a qualified person.
D) Do not touch the appliance when hands or feet are wet or damp. Do not use the appliance
with bare feet.
E) The use of adapters, multiple connectors and/or extensions is not recommended.
water temperature can reach 90°C during the wash cycle.
F) Check there is no water left in the drum before opening the door.
G) Do not allow children or unauthorised persons to use the appliance without supervision.
H) Do not pull the power cable or the appliance itself to remove the plug from the socket.
I) The appliance must not be exposed to weather conditions (rain, direct sun, etc...)
L) When moving the appliance never lift it by the controls or by the detergent drawer.
When in transit never rest the door against the trolley or transport the appliance without
the polystyrene base.
4 5

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Andere handleiding(en) van Candy C 110514 S

Candy C 110514 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Candy C 110514 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

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