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Connecting to a wireless network
Place the NP30 in range of your wireless network (usually 10-30m of a suitable
wireless transmitter, although this is affected by walls and the construction of your
building) and turn it on, via the back panel switch and then on the front panel.
10-30m distance
Wireless broadband
The NP30 will automatically connect and obtain an IP address from your wireless
network. For advanced users, if you would like to give your NP30 a static IP address,
then see the ‘Network config’ section of the manual.
Note: If you make a mistake at any point, you can always press the button to go
back to the previous screen.
The unit will now scan for all available wireless networks and will display “Scanning”.
If it can’t find one then the display will say: “No Wireless Networks Found”. If this
happens then you need to either move the NP30 nearer your wireless access point or
investigate if there is an issue with your wireless network.
When the NP30 finds your wireless network, it displays the broadcast name (ESSID)
for the access point – this is a name allocated to the access point by whoever set
up the network, it may either be a default name for your router/wireless or may be
a more familiar name such as “Johns Wi-Fi” etc. If your NP30 finds more than one
wireless network you can simply choose which one you want to connect to. Turn the
rotary dial to see the ESSID for each wireless network.
When the ESSID for the wireless network you want to connect to is displayed on
the screen, press the SELECT button. If your network is not configured with an
encryption code, the screen should say “Connecting to network” then “Network
If the screen displays either “Enter WEP key” or “Enter WPA key”, then the network
is using one of the supported encryption systems: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
or Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). You now need to enter your correct WEP or WPA
code. The person who set up the wireless network in the first place will know what
this code is (or be able to reset it to a new known code); if that person is not you,
then you need to find out what it is.
After 3 seconds, the display goes into the code entry mode. To enter the code, use
the rotary dial to select each character of the code in turn, pressing the SELECT
button after entering each character.
Note: The WEP and WPA codes are case sensitive, so you must enter them exactly.
After entering the final character, use the rotary dial to select the character and
press the SELECT button. It’s a little fiddly but you will only need to
do this once. The NP30 will remember this code and use it automatically from now
The unit should now be able to connect to the network.
The NP30 home menu consists of 5 items:
Internet Radio
Streaming Services
These allow acess to the four basic types of media choice plus a Settings menu
for the unit.
You can return to this menu at any time by pressing the button.
Simply scroll through the items with the scroll wheel or navigator buttons on the
remote control and press in the scroll wheel or use the select button on the remote
to select the item you want.
Internet Radio
The Stream Magic Internet Radio service brings thousands of internet radio
stations to you. The sheer choice available on the internet allows you to find new
music, listen to stations in your native language (or perhaps if you are learning
another one), from your home town or by your Genre of choice.
It has to be said that the audio quality of internet radio varies greatly dependant on
the bitrate and compression technology used by the broadcaster, but the choice
more than makes up for this. Internet Radio allows you to explore and find new
music from all over the world.
Note: As an ‘aggregator’ service we are simply organising the browsing and
connection process for these stations so that you don’t have to manually search for
them or type in any URLs (web links) etc to access them. Whilst we regularly check
the stations to make sure they are still transmitting reliably and in reasonable
quality we are not responsible for their content in any way.
As well as the thousands of stations we offer if you want to listen to a particular
station that is not included in our service you can add it via the Stream Magic
website at www.stream-magic.com, see later section. You can also visit the www.
stream-magic.com website and put in a request suggesting new stations for us to
add to the service. We welcome your feedback.
It is not necessary to register your NP30 to use the free Stream Magic Internet
Radio service but by registering you will be able to edit settings on your NP30 via
the website, manage your presets, set up new 3rd party Streaming Services and
How to use Internet Radio
Press the button to return to the top-level menu.
Select Internet Radio from the list using the rotary dial then press the rotary dial to
select it. The NP30 displays the following submenus.
Internet Radio
You can now turn the rotary dial to choose from Location, Genre or Search.
Location – Enables you to choose from the stations in any of the countries which
you choose from a list.
Genre – Enables you to choose radio stations according to their declared content,
for example Classic Rock, Sport, News, etc.
Search– Enables you to search for a station you know the name of. Enter the full
name or first part of the name for your desired station. The NP30 will bring up a list
of all stations that contain a word that starts with your search term.
Note: Although we check the stations for continuity of service, some radio stations
do not broadcast 24 hours per day, and some stations may not always be on-line.
Operating the NP30
Getting connected cont.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 18 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 17 pagina's

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