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Remote control
The default mode for the remote allows combined control of
the NP30 and Cambridge Audio Azur range amplifiers.
The remote can be set to control the Cambridge Audio
Sonata range receivers (AR30/DR30) or Cambridge Audio
A/V Receivers instead. See later section on this page.
Switches the NP30 between On and low power eco-friendly
Standby mode.
Note: The NP30 takes approximately 30 seconds to come
out of Standby, during this time the front panel Standby/
On LED will flash but nothing will be shown on the display.
0-9 numeric buttons
Press to recall stored presets.
-/-- Numerical select
To recall a preset number greater than ten, press -/-- followed
by the required preset number.
Press to access the Memory features for preset recall and
The Sonata NP30 can store up to 20 Presets which can be
Internet Radio stations, Streams from Streaming Services
or your own choice of Internet Radio URL. See later section.
Go directly to the top Home Menu.
Press to return to the previous menu.
 Navigation
Press to navigate around the NP30’s menus.
When in AR30/DR30 tuner mode, press to step through the
preset stations.
When in AR30/DR30 iPod (MP3) mode press to browse your
iPod’s contents.
Press to accept the item/function highlighted in the display
menu, or while navigating your iPod. In tuner mode, press
and hold to store the current station in the preset bank.
Note: If browsing through DAB stations, press Select to
immediately tune to the current station (DR30+ only).
This is the reply/interactive button. Press when listening
to an Internet Radio station or Streaming Service that has
some form of interaction with the user. This function will
bring up an interactive menu (where available). This feature
is commonly used allow indication that you like or don’t like
the current stream so the service can tailor the music served
to your personal taste.
For Media Play back (UPnP or Local) this button will toggle
between the ‘Now Playing’ display and the current media
browsing display.
i (info)
Changes the display to show information about the currently
playing track.
Press once to skip forwards or backwards one track.
Press once to stop media playback. Also used to delete items
where appropriate (press and hold).
Press once to start media playback. Press and hold to pause
media playback.
Press to turn the random/shuffle playback function on and
Press to turn repeat playback function (media play back only)
on and off.
Changing the remote control functions
To change the remote to control the NP30 and Cambridge
Audio Sonata range receivers (AR30/DR30) remove the
batteries and wait 3 minutes, now press and hold down the
NP button whilst re-inserting the batteries.
To change the remote to control the NP30 and Cambridge
Audio A/V Receivers remove the batteries and wait 3
minutes, now press and hold down the CD button whilst re-
inserting the batteries.
To return the remote to controlling the NP30 and Cambridge
Audio Azur amplifiers remove the batteries and wait 3
minutes, now re-insert the batteries without holding down
any buttons.
When in AR30/DR30 mode, note the remote switches
functions depending on which source (NP, CD, DVD etc.) you
select via the remote only.
To control the NP30 in this mode, first press the NP button on
the remote (which also selects the NP source).
To control other functions of an AR30 or DR30+, their built-in
tuners and DD30 dock for iPod or a DV30, first press the
required source (e.g. MP3 for iPod, DVD for DV30, etc.) to
select the right mode.
The following buttons control the function of
Cambridge Audio Amplifiers/Receivers.
Increases or decreases the volume. It is also used to change
the value of selected menu settings of the AR30/DR30.
Mutes the audio. Press again to cancel mute.
Source buttons (NP, CD, BD/DVD, Tuner, MP3)
Press the relevant source button to select desired input
Press for Tone/Balance adjustment, using the Volume
The following buttons control the functions of
a matching AR30/DR30 2.1 Receiver only.
Press once to enter the Alarm menu. Press and hold to enter
the Sleep menu.
Switches the display brightness between bright and dim.
MP3 Band
Balance Vol

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 18 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 17 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 18 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Sonate NP30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 17 pagina's

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